This task involves developing a Reset Password API using the Strapi plugin and its default authentication model. The API should allow users to securely reset their password through a token-based mechanism. This will enhance security and usability for users who may have forgotten their passwords, enabling them to reset it with minimal friction.
[x] Develop the Reset Password API using the Strapi plugin with the default authentication model.
[x] Ensure the API provides a secure mechanism for users to reset their passwords.
[ ] Implement token-based password reset functionality (i.e., a user receives a reset link via email with a token to validate the request).
[x] Maintain code quality and follow best practices, particularly regarding security.
Expected Outcome
A fully functional and secure Reset Password API is integrated within the application.
The API should follow a token-based mechanism to securely reset user passwords.
Users will be able to initiate a password reset request, receive a reset link via email, and complete the process.
Improved user experience and enhanced security for password management.
Acceptance Criteria
[x] Reset Password API is created and operational.
[x] The API securely handles password reset requests and updates user passwords.
[x] The API implements a token-based reset mechanism and sends a reset link via email.
[ ] The process is secure, ensuring tokens are time-bound and unique.
This task involves developing a Reset Password API using the Strapi plugin and its default authentication model. The API should allow users to securely reset their password through a token-based mechanism. This will enhance security and usability for users who may have forgotten their passwords, enabling them to reset it with minimal friction.
Expected Outcome
Acceptance Criteria
Mockups / Wireframes
Product Name
Tech Skills Needed
API Development
Sub Category
Authentication and Security