Develop a landing page for the P2P Energy use case demo that provides users with two options: "Chat with Lisa" (WhatsApp chatbot) and "Openspark App" (the P2P energy trading platform). When users click on "Chat with Lisa," it should open the WhatsApp chatbot with a default "Hi" message. Clicking on "Openspark" should navigate the user to the Openspark homepage.
[ ] Create a visually engaging and user-friendly landing page with two clear options: "Chat with Lisa" and "Openspark App."
[ ] Implement functionality that opens the WhatsApp chatbot with a default "Hi" message when the user clicks on "Chat with Lisa."
[ ] Ensure that clicking on "Openspark App" navigates the user to the Openspark homepage.
[ ] Test the page to ensure both interactions work seamlessly.
Expected Outcome
A functional landing page that allows users to either start a chat with Lisa (WhatsApp chatbot) or navigate to the Openspark app.
Clicking on "Chat with Lisa" opens WhatsApp with a default "Hi" message, facilitating easy interaction with the bot.
Clicking on "Openspark App" redirects the user to the Openspark homepage.
Acceptance Criteria
[ ] The landing page is visually appealing, with two distinct options: "Chat with Lisa" and "Openspark App."
[ ] Clicking on "Chat with Lisa" opens WhatsApp with a pre-filled "Hi" message, and the chatbot interaction works.
[ ] Clicking on "Openspark App" navigates to the Openspark homepage.
[ ] The page is tested and verified for seamless navigation and functionality.
Develop a landing page for the P2P Energy use case demo that provides users with two options: "Chat with Lisa" (WhatsApp chatbot) and "Openspark App" (the P2P energy trading platform). When users click on "Chat with Lisa," it should open the WhatsApp chatbot with a default "Hi" message. Clicking on "Openspark" should navigate the user to the Openspark homepage.
Expected Outcome
Acceptance Criteria
Mockups / Wireframes
Product Name
P2P Energy Trading
Tech Skills Needed
Frontend Development
Sub Category
Landing Page
Project View
Openspark P2P Energy Trading
Project Name