beckn / beckn-ui-workspace

Mono Repo for Beckn UI Workspace
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Open Spark - Buyer Dashboard and Trade Preferences Implementation #2534

Open viraj89 opened 1 week ago

viraj89 commented 1 week ago


Implement the Buyer Dashboard and Trade Preferences screens for the Open Spark application based on the provided wireframes. The Buyer Dashboard serves as the landing page after a buyer-side user logs in and displays energy consumption data, current trade details, and a date selection option. The Trade Preferences screen allows users to edit their trade settings, including energy units and pricing preferences.



Expected Outcome

A functional Buyer Dashboard and Trade Preferences UI that allows users to view their energy consumption, adjust trade settings, and select date ranges using a date picker or predefined ranges.

Acceptance Criteria

Mockups / Wireframes

Figma here.

Product Name

Beckn - Open Spark


P2P Energy Trading

Tech Skills Needed




Frontend Development

Sub Category

Dashboard and Preferences Implementation