Design and implement the Welcome Page UI for the OpenSpark App. The page should provide users with an engaging introduction to the app, clear navigation options, and highlight key features or value propositions. Ensure the design aligns with the overall app theme and user experience goals.
[x] Design the Welcome Page UI based on the app's branding and UX guidelines.
[ ] Implement the Welcome Page using reusable frontend building blocks.
[x] Add navigation links to key sections of the app.
[x] Test the Welcome Page for responsiveness and functionality across devices.
Expected Outcome
A visually appealing and functional Welcome Page UI is designed and implemented for the OpenSpark App, providing users with a seamless introduction and navigation experience.
Acceptance Criteria
[x] Welcome Page UI is designed and aligns with the app's branding.
[ ] Page functionality is implemented using reusable building blocks.
[x] Navigation options are tested and functional.
[x] Page is responsive and works across different devices and screen sizes.
Design and implement the Welcome Page UI for the OpenSpark App. The page should provide users with an engaging introduction to the app, clear navigation options, and highlight key features or value propositions. Ensure the design aligns with the overall app theme and user experience goals.
Expected Outcome
A visually appealing and functional Welcome Page UI is designed and implemented for the OpenSpark App, providing users with a seamless introduction and navigation experience.
Acceptance Criteria
Mockups / Wireframes
Product Name
Tech Skills Needed
UI Development
Sub Category
Frontend Design and Implementation