bedapub / designit

Blocking and randomization for experimental design
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Fixes to prepare for CRAN submission #36

Closed klmr closed 6 months ago

klmr commented 7 months ago

Currently, the inst/doc folder is much too large, and causes CRAN to complain because the overall install size is > 5 MB.

klmr commented 7 months ago

One suggestion to reduce the output size of the documentation would be to run pngcrush on the images before including them into the HTML files, but that would make the vignette building more complicated. A potential solution is the ‘optout’ package:

banfai commented 7 months ago

utils-tidyeval.R was generated by usethis::use_tidy_eval(), but that's obsolete now
see and should we clean this up now 🎉 or make an issue to fix later 👀 ?

klmr commented 7 months ago

@banfai 🧹 (you can’t react with arbitrary emojis to GitHub comments, unfortunately.)

idavydov commented 7 months ago

I think this looks great, thanks @klmr !

Regarding optout, I think it's not on CRAN. And it's not clear how it was used in ggpattern which is now on CRAN.

idavydov commented 7 months ago
**Note:** due to CRAN package size limits many of these vignettes are only available in the Github version of `{ggpattern}` and the package website.

(from here and see this)

banfai commented 7 months ago

@banfai 🧹 (you can’t react with arbitrary emojis to GitHub comments, unfortunately.)

oops 😄

idavydov commented 6 months ago

@banfai once you approve, I can merge