bedatadriven / activityinfo-R

ActivityInfo R Language Client
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final checklist for Enhancement project #76

Closed Ryo-N7 closed 1 year ago

Ryo-N7 commented 1 year ago

Absolute must-haves before project finish:

Nice-to-haves before project finish:

Ryo-N7 commented 1 year ago

will try to figure out where but just FYI:

v4.33: The following object is masked from ‘package:stats’: filter

nickdickinson commented 1 year ago

FYI there is some weirdness with the S3 methods where I had to explicitly reexport filter from dplyr to get it to work. Perhaps because of the fact that dplyr already masks filter from stats with dplyr::filter

Ryo-N7 commented 1 year ago

for converting getDatabaseUsers() into a data.frame it's pretty easy to just do:, db_user_list_object))

i can push that into the v4.33 branch as well if it's OK? might break some people's code potentially though if they've been doing that themselves which is pretty likely

nickdickinson commented 1 year ago

Looks ok to me. But perhaps use an asDf = TRUE argument default to enable some users to turn it off like with getDatabases()?

nickdickinson commented 1 year ago

@Ryo-N7 @akbertram I believe I have completed my tasks. I've pushed the last version. @akbertram will push also some new documentation before release. Looking forward to the release!

Ryo-N7 commented 1 year ago

based on this:

I edited the "authors" section of the DESCRIPTION file.

Authors@R: c(
    person("Alex", "Bertram", email = "", 
           role = c("aut", "cre")),
    person("Nicolas", "Dickinson", email = "", 
           role = "aut"),
    person("Ryo", "Nakagawara", email = "", 
           role = "ctb"),
    person("BeDataDriven B.V.", role = c("cph", "fnd"))

also wanted to update the title + description text: Title: Title: Query and update datasets from Description: Description: An interface to ActivityInfo, an information management system.

to... Title: R interface to, an Information management software for humanitarian and development operations. Description: An interface to ActivityInfo, a web-based information management software used for partner reporting, monitoring and evaluation and case management in humanitarian aid, emergencies and international development.

I took text for both from the main website. What do you think @akbertram ? If you're OK with this, I can push it to the branch.

Ryo-N7 commented 1 year ago

there's one (?) function in the package that use the base R pipe |>. many people (including me!) don't have R 4.1 yet so it might need to be tweaked or at the very least there should be a warning in the package docs or specified in the DESCRIPTION.

anyway, I see that v4.33 branch is already merged so as I do more UAT for the next week, i'll branch off to 4.33.9999 or something as I have...

Ryo-N7 commented 1 year ago

(Alex) addRecord() should fail if record already exists, see

will be done soon by alex, hopefully by end of this week