bednee / cooluri

GIT repository for TYPO3 extension CoolUri
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CoolURI TYPO3 8.2 ready #53

Open fischhase opened 8 years ago

fischhase commented 8 years ago

Hallo Cooluri Team,

thank you for your great work. I like CoolURI because it is so easy and works nearly out of the box. Much better than realurl :-) I just finished a website on TYPO3 8.2 and wanted implement cooluri. Unfortunately it is not TYPO3 8 ready. When do you plan a port on version 8?

Thanks and regards Martin

bednee commented 8 years ago


if only there was a team :) I'm on it all by myself. Unfortunately, I haven't had time to even install TYPO3 8 to find out what has to be done to make CoolUri compatible. I'd happily approve any pull request for 8 compatibility (volunteer, anyone?).


fischhase commented 7 years ago

Hallo Jan,

sorry, your name sounds german. No problem: Sorry that I stressed you. Unfortunately I could not help in devoloping. I despaired in my first extension :-(

But I have a problem and yould like to ask you for help: At one of my websites there is a problem with multilanguage support. When I am on page with URL

and I switch to english (ID 3) this happens**index.php**/information/contact/

I the screen is blank and shows the error message "Unable to determine path to entry script."

In my CoolUriConf.xml I took your snippet `



  <!-- L is empty of 0, result is empty -->

  <value key="">0</value>

  <!-- L is 1, result is "en" -->

  <value key="en">3</value>

  <value key="fr">4</value>



and the Setup says:

` [globalVar = GP:L = 3]

config {

sys_language_uid = 3

language = en

htmlTag_setParams = lang = "en"


[global] ` Why dows CoolUri switches to index.php instead of "en"?

It would be great to get a little help. I could not find anything in the internet.

Thanks and sorry again for writing in german. Martin

bednee commented 7 years ago


I don't speak German, sorry.


Dne 2016-12-13 13:08, fischhase napsal:

Hallo Jan,

Tut mir Leid, dass ich Dich gestresst habe. Leider kann ich Dir nicht wirklich helfen. Ich bin schon an meiner ersten Extension verzweifeln :-(

Ich habe ein Problem und die Bitte an Dich, ob Du mir einen Tipp geben kannst: Bei einer meiner Webseiten gibt es Probleme mit der Mehrsprachigkeit: Befinde ich mich auf der URL [1]

und schalte dann um auf Englisch (ID 3) passiert folgendes**index.php**/information/contact/ [2]

Das gibt dann die Fehlermeldung "Unable to determine path to entry script."

In der CoolUriConf.xml steht unter anderem

L 0 3 4

und im Setup dies:

` [globalVar = GP:L = 3] config { sys_language_uid = 3 language = en htmlTag_setParams = lang = "en" } [global]

[globalVar = GP:L = 4] Wird aktuell nicht gepflegt darum








` Wieso schaltet CoolUri auf die index.php statt auf "en"?

Würde mich über etwas Hilfe freuen. Ich konnte keine Hinweise dazu im Netz finden.

Vielen Dank und schöne Grüße Martin

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[1] [2]**index.php**/information/contact/ [3] [4]

fischhase commented 7 years ago

sorry post is translated :-)

bednee commented 7 years ago

I assume this is happening under 8.2. Is that right? There's no obvious reason why this is happening. I can only assume that there is some sort of incompatibility with 8.2. I'll have to find some time to investigate it.

BTW, I'm from the Czech Republic.

bednee commented 7 years ago

Hey, 8.2 compatibility was added, can you check it out and close this if it's fine?