beealex / harryPotter

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Readings about Rowling and gender issues #7

Open ebeshero opened 3 years ago

ebeshero commented 3 years ago

So there was the Twitter scandal:

ebeshero commented 3 years ago

ebeshero commented 3 years ago

Also, check for articles in the Penn State Libraries...there's probably some corpus analysis study to reference...

beealex commented 3 years ago

@ebeshero After looking more in depth at the Rowling scandal, I noticed the level of ignorance in quite a few statements made by Rowling and the community responding to her. It is also evident that there is misunderstanding happening between all parties as well. Not that I agree/disagree with Rowling's statements per-say, since I have seen only a few specific ones, it is important to note that there is a great difference between sex and gender, despite people using the terms as though they are interchangeable. While this may be dangerous territory, I could put forth some knowledge I've gained in human communication, (CAS 101N) with Dr. Payne, to develop an unbiased analysis.