As a user, I want the system to validate external links, so that I can avoid potential security risks from malicious websites.
Acceptance Criteria
Given the system displays article source links retrieved from external databases
When the system retrieves and prepares to display these links
Then the system shall validate each link to check for potential injection attacks or malicious content, And the system shall sanitize or block any unsafe links to prevent them from being clickable or displayed, And a message shall be shown to the user indicating that the link has been blocked or removed due to security concerns.
Definition of Done
[x] Frontend provides a warning if a link has been blocked or removed for security reasons
[x] Backend validates all links and removes them if they are not from the intended source database
[x] Code is functional and complete
[ ] Unit tests are written, and pass
[ ] Integration tests are written, and pass
[ ] Automated tests pass
[ ] Automated build pass
[ ] GitHub Issue updated in a comment with any relevant documentation
Title: US-22 Priority: 5 Low Estimation: 5 Risk: Low Requirement: FR22
User Story
As a user, I want the system to validate external links, so that I can avoid potential security risks from malicious websites.
Acceptance Criteria
Given the system displays article source links retrieved from external databases When the system retrieves and prepares to display these links Then the system shall validate each link to check for potential injection attacks or malicious content, And the system shall sanitize or block any unsafe links to prevent them from being clickable or displayed, And a message shall be shown to the user indicating that the link has been blocked or removed due to security concerns.
Definition of Done