beedesk / jQTouch

jQT + actively maintained + exclusive features (iPad layout, iscroll, tons of css enhancements, page events, param passing between pages, radio button, grid, mail, improved page history management etc.)
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Pane id starting with a numeric causes navigation problem #1

Closed thomasyip closed 13 years ago

thomasyip commented 13 years ago

For example,

The following div, "3_map"

<div id="jqt"> <div id="3_map">... </div>

will fail page navigation. Clicking on back button will fail with this line in the log:

"Cannot find history to go back to. The specified "from" or "to" 
parameters might be invalid. Or, it has already back to the beginning."
thomasyip commented 13 years ago

"ID and NAME tokens must begin with a letter ([A-Za-z]) and may be followed by any number of letters, digits ([0-9]), hyphens ("-"), underscores ("_"), colons (":"), and periods (".")."

So, we should aim for some better error message.

thomasyip commented 13 years ago

Didn't see anyone else complain on it. It is low-pri, just close it as won't fix.