beedesk / jQTouch

jQT + actively maintained + exclusive features (iPad layout, iscroll, tons of css enhancements, page events, param passing between pages, radio button, grid, mail, improved page history management etc.)
MIT License
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Port error #14

Closed davemcp closed 13 years ago

davemcp commented 13 years ago

When working with a domain like http://localhost:3000 the history was being inserted as http://3000localhost:3000 which then failed with JS security errors. Would partially load jQT.

thomasyip commented 13 years ago

It was a bad bug. Thank for the patch. Will get it in tonight.

Does "" included the port number already?

davemcp commented 13 years ago

Yep, contains the port already. I left it commented just for clarity, but feel free to simply delete it.