beedesk / jQTouch

jQT + actively maintained + exclusive features (iPad layout, iscroll, tons of css enhancements, page events, param passing between pages, radio button, grid, mail, improved page history management etc.)
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colored button syntax #21

Closed crip-xx closed 13 years ago

crip-xx commented 13 years ago

Hi! I noticed that you show a couple of various buttons on Your blog. Whats the syntax for including them in a project?

Whats the preferred way of changing the font size on a button? Modifying the original theme or? I've tried adding a separate css file after loading the theme but the font size is overwritten by the JQTouch theme.



thomasyip commented 13 years ago

The best way to learn is to start with the demos. Look for


Changing font isn't very easy at the moment. You probably need to edit them in place. In the future, I like to group all fonts declarations into a single section of the css; same for theme-ng. But, I can't promise how soon I can get to that.

At this time, changing them in place might be easier.