Closed ZehWusrtje closed 9 years ago
Hi @ZehWusrtje
It looks like you're using an old version of BeEF. Try git pull
if all else fails.
BeEF does not do any port forwarding by itself. Ensure that the WAN port is correctly forwarded to your BeEF server on 178.248.xx.xx
In the config, you've got:
# if running behind a nat set the public ip address here
#public: " I guess that's the public adress."
#public_port: "3625<same " # port setting is experimental
If you're using these values you'll need to un-comment them - ie, remove the #
like so:
# if running behind a nat set the public ip address here
public: "178.248.xx.xx"
public_port: "3625"
Regarding the error with double-clicking - what operating system are you using and what crash do you get?
Regarding the already running
error, this means that something is already running on port 3625. You'll need to stop this process or configure BeEF to listen on a different port. You can check what's listening on port 3625:
lsof -i :3625
netstat -an | find "3625"
What a great read, thank you for your time. I'm running Kali Linux Il let you know how it went tonight. !
I removed the Host and Port, and opend the Public one. Now, it does not crash, starts up, but in the terminal is shows no Port, and therefor it's not working. ( Oh and yes, i did change my IP compaird to the last config/terminal i posted )
Config file --------
debug: false #Thin::Logging.debug, very verbose. Prints also full exception stack trace.
#port: "17148"
# Decrease this setting up to 1000 if you want more responsiveness when sending modules and retrieving results.
# It's not advised to decrease it with tons of hooked browsers (more than 50),
# because it might impact performance. Also, enable WebSockets is generally better.
xhr_poll_timeout: 5000
# if running behind a nat set the public ip address here
public: ""
public_port: "17148" # port setting is experimental
dns_host: "localhost"
dns_port: 53
web_ui_basepath: "/ui"
hook_file: "/hook.js"
hook_session_name: "BEEFHOOK"
session_cookie_name: "BEEFSESSION"
Terminal --------
[10:01:35][] Bind socket [imapeudora1] listening on [:2000]. [10:01:35][] Browser Exploitation Framework (BeEF) [10:01:35] | Twit: @beefproject [10:01:35] | Site: [10:01:35] | Blog: [10:01:35] | Wiki: [10:01:35][] Project Creator: Wade Alcorn (@WadeAlcorn) [10:01:35][] BeEF is loading. Wait a few seconds... [10:01:42][] 10 extensions enabled. [10:01:42][] 196 modules enabled. [10:01:42][*] 1 network interfaces were detected. [10:01:42][+] running on network interface: [10:01:42] | Hook URL: [10:01:42] | UI URL: [10:01:42][] RESTful API key: 1fe8062b8428165611e41cc0d069f6c5dde4fc1c [10:01:42][] HTTP Proxy: [10:01:42][*] BeEF server started (press control+c to stop)
Thank you again for taking your time to help me.
Can you clarify what you mean by "using it with a VPN"?
The public/public_port settings do work perfectly for me in NAT situations, or more complex setups like Apache mod_proxy with multiple BeEF instances behind on Amazon EC2.
Also, if you use these settings, you should still leave host/port setup. For example my setups are usually: host =, port = 8080, public=, public_port = 80. This works great if you then use Apache mod_proxy to redirect traffic to BeEF listening on loopback only.
Hope it helps.
Hello antisnatchor, Thank you for your time!
By "using it with a VPN" i'm meaning to say that i use my Kali Linux with OpenVPN using a paid VPN server. In VPN server looks like this:
Protocol: TCP & UDP
Local port: 17148
Connected to server: United States xxxx
Mapped to public IP:
Forwarded to: 10.5.xx.xx
Since: 12m 17s ago
I now updated the config as you said. But it does not work and makes /panel/ unreachable even when the server is running.
Config ----------
http: debug: false #Thin::Logging.debug, very verbose. Prints also full exception stack trace. host: "" port: "17148"
# It's not advised to decrease it with tons of hooked browsers (more than 50),
# because it might impact performance. Also, enable WebSockets is generally better.
xhr_poll_timeout: 5000
# if running behind a nat set the public ip address here
public: "10.5.xx.xx" << - both internal and public ip do the same thing. <<---
public_port: "17148" # port setting is experimental
dns_host: "localhost"
Terminal ----- [15:12:06][] Bind socket [imapeudora1] listening on []. [15:12:06][] Browser Exploitation Framework (BeEF) [15:12:06] | Twit: @beefproject [15:12:06] | Site: [15:12:06] | Blog: [15:12:06] | Wiki: [15:12:06][] Project Creator: Wade Alcorn (@WadeAlcorn) [15:12:07][] BeEF is loading. Wait a few seconds... [15:12:13][] 10 extensions enabled. [15:12:13][] 196 modules enabled. [15:12:13][*] 1 network interfaces were detected. [15:12:13][+] running on network interface: [15:12:13] | Hook URL: [15:12:13] | UI URL: [15:12:13][] RESTful API key: 1e1c295ace1be2e36da122b2771f1257e10720be [15:12:13][] HTTP Proxy: [15:12:13][*] BeEF server started (press control+c to stop)
Page not even loading :(
I was testing every single command/option/whatever/port/ip and found this!
Could this be breaking BeEF? I see terms like Connection. As far as i know, i'f updated every ruby ect depenedency
/usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/dm-do-adapter/adapter.rb:114:in execute_non_query': disk I/O error (DataObjects::ConnectionError) from /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/dm-do-adapter/adapter.rb:114:in
block (2 levels) in create'
from /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/dm-do-adapter/adapter.rb:276:in with_connection' from /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/dm-do-adapter/adapter.rb:113:in
block in create'
from /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/dm-do-adapter/adapter.rb:85:in each' from /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/dm-do-adapter/adapter.rb:85:in
from /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/dm-core/repository.rb:146:in create' from /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/dm-core/resource/persistence_state/transient.rb:74:in
from /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/dm-core/resource/persistence_state/transient.rb:25:in commit' from /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/dm-core/resource.rb:963:in
from /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/dm-core/resource.rb:977:in block in create_with_hooks' from /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/dm-core/resource.rb:974:in
from /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/dm-core/resource.rb:974:in create_with_hooks' from /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/dm-core/resource.rb:1028:in
from /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/dm-core/resource.rb:1013:in block in _save' from /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/dm-core/resource.rb:1229:in
from /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/dm-core/resource.rb:1012:in _save' from /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/dm-core/resource.rb:412:in
from /usr/share/beef-xss/core/main/migration.rb:33:in block in update_commands!' from /usr/share/beef-xss/core/main/migration.rb:32:in
from /usr/share/beef-xss/core/main/migration.rb:32:in update_commands!' from /usr/share/beef-xss/core/main/migration.rb:19:in
That disk I/O error is something related to your VPS, I can't help with that. Also, why are you using a VPN?
I suggest doing the following:
ssh -f -o "ServerAliveInterval 180" your_ssh_user@your_vps_ip -L 3000:your_vps_ip:3000 -N
Then configure Firefox on your local machine to use as a SOCKS5 proxy, and then connect to http://your_vps_ip:3000/ui/panel.
Good Morning Antisnatchor,
Interesting, so the next-step for me is to go back to the vpn provider and ask for a cash back. Haha. The reason i use a vpn is because I want to test our services on xss-exploitation from outter networks. We want to make it as realistic as possible, i cant use my own ip, because that would litterley trace it back to my own pc. So that's why i used a VPN. But what you are basicly saying is that a need a virtual private server instead of a network. But is that even 100% anonymously?
You need a VPS, for some degree of anonymity you should buy it via BitCoin for example, then connect to it via VPN+Tor (see Grugq presentations).
Btw, if you do anything illegal with BeEF, it's up to you ;-) Me and and rest of the BeEF team don't support (and don't help) such things ;-)
Hi When I try to connect to beef ui panel, "Unable to connect" error message is displayed. pleases help
hello antisnatchor, i connect to my vps through ssh as you said, configure my browser and use my vps ip as the url but somehow its not working, am getting the error below on the terminal i run the ssh on
channel 1: open failed: connect failed: Connection refused channel 1: open failed: connect failed: Connection refused channel 1: open failed: connect failed: Connection refused channel 1: open failed: connect failed: Connection refused channel 1: open failed: connect failed: Connection refused channel 1: open failed: connect failed: Connection refused channel 1: open failed: connect failed: Connection refused channel 1: open failed: connect failed: Connection refused channel 1: open failed: connect failed: Connection refused channel 1: open failed: connect failed: Connection refused channel 1: open failed: connect failed: Connection refused channel 1: open failed: connect failed: Connection refused channel 1: open failed: connect failed: Connection refused channel 1: open failed: connect failed: Connection refused channel 1: open failed: connect failed: Connection refused channel 2: open failed: connect failed: Connection refused channel 3: open failed: connect failed: Connection refused
Dear antisnatchor,
I want to set up port 80. I'm using ubuntu vps. My vps has a ssl domain and plesk panel. How can I apache mod_proxy redirect traffic to BeEF? Would you please share the .conf file?
BeEF is not working correctly over WAN for me. I'm using it with a VPN. The VPN is working correctly, and canyouseeme tells me the port is open. Also! Dubble clicking beef gives a crash, typing "ruby BeEF" makes it say "another process already running"
Config looks like this
Copyright (c) 2006-2014 Wade Alcorn -
Browser Exploitation Framework (BeEF) -
See the file 'doc/COPYING' for copying permission
BeEF Configuration file
beef: version: ''
More verbose messages (server-side)
The result of running beef with the ruby command
ruby beef [20:54:01][] Bind socket [imapeudora1] listening on []. [20:54:01][] Browser Exploitation Framework (BeEF) [20:54:01] | Twit: @beefproject [20:54:01] | Site: [20:54:01] | Blog: [20:54:01] | Wiki: [20:54:01][] Project Creator: Wade Alcorn (@WadeAlcorn) [20:54:02][] BeEF is loading. Wait a few seconds... [20:54:08][] 10 extensions enabled. [20:54:08][] 196 modules enabled. [20:54:08][*] 1 network interfaces were detected. [20:54:08][+] running on network interface: [20:54:08] | Hook URL: [20:54:08] | UI URL: [20:54:08][] RESTful API key: 91b27b0ff33e0df0cfe43222 [20:54:08][] HTTP Proxy: [20:54:08][*] BeEF server started (press control+c to stop) [20:54:08][!] Another process is already listening on port 3625. [20:54:08][!] Is BeEF already running? Exiting...