beefproject / beef

The Browser Exploitation Framework Project
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Autorun Modules in BeEF via (beef_strike) /Invalid JSON input for module '?'\ #1383

Closed blackh0st closed 7 years ago

blackh0st commented 7 years ago

root@blackghost:/usr/share/beef-xss# ./beef -x [17:06:45][] Bind socket [imapeudora1] listening on []. [17:06:45][] Browser Exploitation Framework (BeEF) [17:06:45] | Twit: @beefproject [17:06:45] | Site: [17:06:45] | Blog: [17:06:45] | Wiki: [17:06:45][] Project Creator: Wade Alcorn (@WadeAlcorn) [17:06:45][] Resetting the database for BeEF. [17:06:46][] BeEF is loading. Wait a few seconds... [17:06:55][] 12 extensions enabled. [17:06:55][] 285 modules enabled. [17:06:55][] 2 network interfaces were detected. [17:06:55][+] running on network interface: [17:06:55] | Hook URL: [17:06:55] | UI URL: [17:06:55][+] running on network interface: [17:06:55] | Hook URL: [17:06:55] |_ UI URL: [17:06:55][] RESTful API key: 5b01cb13aa71c91f8b61f52433792c314db1a208 [17:06:55][] HTTP Proxy: [17:06:55][] BeEF server started (press control+c to stop) [17:13:08][!] [Browser Details] Invalid browser name returned from the hook browser's initial connection. [17:13:09][!] [Browser Details] Invalid browser plugins returned from the hook browser's initial connection. [17:13:09][!] [Browser Details] Invalid hooked browser type returned from the hook browser's initial connection. [17:13:09][] New Hooked Browser [id:1, ip:, browser:UNKNOWN-UNKNOWN, os:Windows-10], hooked domain [] [17:13:10][!] Invalid JSON input for module '211' [17:13:10][!] Invalid JSON input for module '274' [17:14:47][!] Invalid JSON input for module '211' [17:14:47][!] Invalid JSON input for module '274' [17:14:47][!] Invalid JSON input for module '55' [17:14:47][!] Invalid JSON input for module '82' [17:14:47][!] Invalid JSON input for module '98' [17:14:47][!] Invalid JSON input for module '58' [17:14:47][!] Invalid JSON input for module '242' [17:14:47][!] Invalid JSON input for module '229' [17:14:47][!] Invalid JSON input for module '244' [17:14:47][!] Invalid JSON input for module '52' [17:14:47][!] Invalid JSON input for module '49' [17:14:47][!] Invalid JSON input for module '54' [17:14:47][!] Invalid JSON input for module '95' [17:14:47][!] Invalid JSON input for module '50' [17:14:47][!] Invalid JSON input for module '250' [17:14:47][!] Invalid JSON input for module '26' [17:14:47][!] Invalid JSON input for module '231' [17:14:48][!] Invalid JSON input for module '214' [17:14:48][!] Invalid JSON input for module '11' [17:14:48][!] Invalid JSON input for module '97'

##################################################################### import com.eyesopencrew. from: /root/beef_strike/BeefLib.jar; import org.apache.commons. from: /root/beef_strike/lib/commons-lang-2.5.jar; import org.apache.commons. from: /root/beef_strike/lib/commons-logging-1.1.3.jar; import org.apache.commons. from: /root/beef_strike/lib/commons-beanutils-1.8.3.jar; import org.apache.commons. from: /root/beef_strike/lib/commons-collections4-4.1.jar; import com.itextpdf.text. from: /root/beef_strike/lib/itextpdf-5.5.1.jar; import org.apache.http. from: /root/beef_strike/lib/httpcore-4.3.3.jar; import org.apache.http. from: /root/beef_strike/lib/httpclient-4.3.6.jar; import net.sf.json. from: /root/beef_strike/lib/json-lib.jar; import net.sf.ezmorph. from: /root/beef_strike/lib/ezmorph-1.0.6.jar; ##################################################################

bcoles commented 7 years ago

Hi @blackh0st

beef_strike is not something we (BeEF developers) coded.

You should ping @thebenygreen on twitter. He's the dev.