beefproject / beef

The Browser Exploitation Framework Project
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Gem error at beef start: wrong number of arguments (given 3, expected 4..5) (ArgumentError) #2954

Closed Chaxiraxi closed 1 year ago

Chaxiraxi commented 1 year ago

First Steps

Software Version
BeEF Version (using git clone)
Ruby Version 3.0.2p107
Operating System Ubuntu server


  1. Have you made any changes to your BeEF configuration? Yes - Changed default credentials and enabled server-side debug
  2. Have you enabled or disabled any BeEF extensions? No

Steps to Reproduce

  1. I ran install script, which ran fine
  2. when launching console with ./beef I get an error as follows:
    /var/lib/gems/3.0.0/gems/activerecord-7.1.1/lib/active_record/migration.rb:1411:in `initialize': wrong number of arguments (given 3, expected 4..5) (ArgumentError)
    from ./beef:208:in `new'
    from ./beef:208:in `<main>'
  3. beef does not launch

Additionnal information

Because I enabled debuging, here's the complete output of the terminal:

[ 0:29:51][*] Browser Exploitation Framework (BeEF)
[ 0:29:51]    |   Twit: @beefproject
[ 0:29:51]    |   Site:
[ 0:29:51]    |   Blog:
[ 0:29:51]    |_  Wiki:
[ 0:29:51][*] Project Creator: Wade Alcorn (@WadeAlcorn)
[ 0:29:51][>] Loaded extension: 'xssrays'
[ 0:29:51][>] Loaded extension: 'social_engineering'
[ 0:29:51][>] Loaded extension: 'requester'
[ 0:29:51][>] Loaded extension: 'proxy'
[ 0:29:51][>] Loaded extension: 'network'
[ 0:29:51][>] Loaded extension: 'events'
[ 0:29:51][>] Loaded extension: 'demos'
[ 0:29:51][>] Loaded extension: 'admin_ui'
[ 0:29:51][>] Soft Load module: 'ui_abuse_ie'
[ 0:29:51][>] Soft Load module: 'text_to_voice'
[ 0:29:51][>] Soft Load module: 'tabnabbing'
[ 0:29:51][>] Soft Load module: 'spoof_addressbar_data'
[ 0:29:51][>] Soft Load module: 'sitekiosk_breakout'
[ 0:29:51][>] Soft Load module: 'simple_hijacker'
[ 0:29:51][>] Soft Load module: 'replace_video_fake_plugin'
[ 0:29:51][>] Soft Load module: 'pretty_theft'
[ 0:29:51][>] Soft Load module: 'lcamtuf_download'
[ 0:29:51][>] Soft Load module: 'hta_powershell'
[ 0:29:51][>] Soft Load module: 'gmail_phishing'
[ 0:29:51][>] Soft Load module: 'firefox_extension_reverse_shell'
[ 0:29:51][>] Soft Load module: 'firefox_extension_dropper'
[ 0:29:51][>] Soft Load module: 'firefox_extension_bindshell'
[ 0:29:51][>] Soft Load module: 'fake_notification_ie'
[ 0:29:51][>] Soft Load module: 'fake_notification_ff'
[ 0:29:51][>] Soft Load module: 'fake_notification_c'
[ 0:29:51][>] Soft Load module: 'fake_notification'
[ 0:29:51][>] Soft Load module: 'fake_lastpass'
[ 0:29:51][>] Soft Load module: 'fake_flash_update'
[ 0:29:51][>] Soft Load module: 'fake_evernote_clipper'
[ 0:29:51][>] Soft Load module: 'edge_wscript_wsh_injection'
[ 0:29:51][>] Soft Load module: 'clippy'
[ 0:29:51][>] Soft Load module: 'clickjacking'
[ 0:29:51][>] Soft Load module: 'phonegap_stop_record_audio'
[ 0:29:51][>] Soft Load module: 'phonegap_start_record_audio'
[ 0:29:51][>] Soft Load module: 'phonegap_prompt_user'
[ 0:29:51][>] Soft Load module: 'phonegap_plugin_detection'
[ 0:29:51][>] Soft Load module: 'phonegap_persistence'
[ 0:29:51][>] Soft Load module: 'phonegap_persist_resume'
[ 0:29:51][>] Soft Load module: 'phonegap_list_files'
[ 0:29:51][>] Soft Load module: 'phonegap_list_contacts'
[ 0:29:51][>] Soft Load module: 'phonegap_keychain'
[ 0:29:51][>] Soft Load module: 'phonegap_globalization_status'
[ 0:29:51][>] Soft Load module: 'phonegap_geo_locate'
[ 0:29:51][>] Soft Load module: 'phonegap_file_upload'
[ 0:29:51][>] Soft Load module: 'phonegap_detect'
[ 0:29:51][>] Soft Load module: 'phonegap_check_connection'
[ 0:29:51][>] Soft Load module: 'phonegap_beep'
[ 0:29:51][>] Soft Load module: 'phonegap_alert_user'
[ 0:29:51][>] Soft Load module: 'popunder_window_ie'
[ 0:29:51][>] Soft Load module: 'popunder_window'
[ 0:29:51][>] Soft Load module: 'man_in_the_browser'
[ 0:29:51][>] Soft Load module: 'jsonp_service_worker'
[ 0:29:51][>] Soft Load module: 'invisible_htmlfile_activex'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'iframe_above'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'hijack_opener'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'confirm_close_tab'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'port_scanner'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'ping_sweep_java'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'ping_sweep_ff'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'ping_sweep'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'irc_nat_pinning'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'fingerprint_routers'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'internal_network_fingerprinting'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'identify_lan_subnets'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'get_proxy_servers_wpad'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'get_ntop_network_hosts'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'get_http_servers'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'fetch_port_scanner'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'dns_rebinding'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'dns_enumeration'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'detect_tor'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'detect_soc_nets'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'detect_opennic'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'detect_ethereum_ens'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'detect_burp'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'cross_origin_scanner_flash'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'cross_origin_scanner_cors'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'doser'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'f5_bigip_cookie_stealing'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'f5_bigip_cookie_disclosure'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'wordpress_post_auth_rce'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'wordpress_upload_rce_plugin'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'wordpress_current_user_info'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'wordpress_add_user'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'unblockui'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'track_physical_movement'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'read_gmail'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'raw_javascript'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'no_sleep'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'local_file_theft'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'invisible_iframe'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'iframe_sniffer'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'iframe_keylogger'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'send_inotes_with_attachment'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'send_inotes'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'read_inotes'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'inotes_flooder'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'extract_inotes_list'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'blockui'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 's2c_dns_tunnel'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'inter_protocol_win_bindshell'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'inter_protocol_redis'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'inter_protocol_posix_bindshell'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'inter_protocol_irc'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'inter_protocol_imap'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'etag_client'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'cross_site_printing'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'cross_site_faxing'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'physical_location_thirdparty'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'physical_location'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'iphone_tel'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'hook_microsoft_edge'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'hook_default_browser'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'get_wireless_keys'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'get_system_info_java'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'get_registry_keys'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'get_internal_ip_webrtc'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'get_internal_ip_java'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'get_connection_type'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'get_battery_status'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'detect_users'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'detect_software'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'detect_protocol_handlers'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'detect_local_drives'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'detect_hp'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'detect_google_desktop'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'detect_default_browser'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'detect_cups'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'detect_coupon_printer'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'detect_antivirus'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'detect_airdroid'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'clipboard_theft'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'zeroshell_2_0rc2_scanner'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'zeroshell_2_0rc2_reverse_shell_csrf_sop_bypass'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'zeroshell_2_0rc2_reverse_shell_csrf_sop'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'zeroshell_2_0rc2_migrate_hook'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'zeroshell_2_0rc2_file_disclosure'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'zeroshell_2_0rc2_admin_static_token'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'zeroshell_2_0rc2_admin_password'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'zeroshell_2_0rc2_admin_dynamic_token'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'zenoss_add_user_csrf'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'zenoss_command_execution'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'sqlitemanager_xss'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'serendipity_1_6_xss'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'cisco_collaboration_server_5_xss'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'alienvault_ossim_3_1_xss'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'Wordpress_add_admin'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'wanem_command_execution'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'vtiger_crm_upload_exploit'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'Netgear_gs108t_csrf'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'Dlink_dgs_1100_port_mirroring_csrf'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'Dlink_dgs_1100_fdb_whitelist_csrf'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'Dlink_dgs_1100_device_reset_csrf'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'spring_framework_malicious_jar'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'skype_xss'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'Shell_shocked'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'shell_shock_scanner'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'ruby_nntpd_cmd_exec'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'wipg1000_cmd_injection'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'virgin_superhub_csrf'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'utstarcom_wa3002g4_dns_hijack'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'tplink_dns_csrf'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'tenda_adsl_dns_hijack'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'telstra_zte_mf91_disable_ap_isolation'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'telstra_zte_mf91_change_ssid'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'telstra_zte_mf91_change_pw'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'shuttle_tech_915wm_dns_hijack'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'planet_vdr300nu_adsl_dns_hijack'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'pikatel_96338_dns_hijack'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'philips_dns_hijack'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'netgear_dgn2200_cmd_exec'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'Netgear_dgn_2000_wan_mgmt_csrf'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'linksys_wrt54g_csrf'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'linksys_wrt54g2_csrf'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'linksys_e2500_shell'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'linksys_e2500_dns_hijack'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'linksys_e2500_csrf'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'linksys_befsr41_csrf'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'inteno_eg101r1_voip_dns_hijack'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'iball_baton_ib_wra150n_dns_hijack'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'Huawei_smartax_mt880_csrf'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'exper_ewm01_adsl_dns_hijack'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'dlink_dsl526b_dns_hijack'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'dlink_dsl500t_csrf'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'dlink_dsl2780b_dns_hijack'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'dlink_dsl2740r_dns_hijack'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'dlink_dsl2640u_dns_hijack'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'dlink_2640b_dns_hijack'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'dlink_dir_615_csrf'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'ddwrt_v24_sp1_csrf'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'ddwrt_v24_sp1_cmd_exec'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'comtrend_ct_series_dns_hijack'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'comtrend_ct5624_csrf'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'comtrend_ct5367_csrf'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'cisco_e2400_csrf'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'bt_home_hub_csrf'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'belkin_dns_csrf'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'beetel_bcm96338_router_dns_hijack'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'asus_rt_n66u_cmd_exec'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'asus_rt_n12e_get_info'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'asus_dslx11_dns_hijack'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'asmax_ar804gu_cmd_exec'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'argw4_adsl_dns_hijack'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'actiontec_q1000_csrf'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'com_officeconnect_cmd_exec'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'rfi_scanner'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'resource_exhaustion_dos'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'qnx_qconn_command_execution'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'qemu_monitor_migrate_cmd_exec'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'php_dos'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'pfsense_reverse_root_shell_csrf'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'pfsense_2_3_2_reverse_root_shell_csrf'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'opencart_reset_password'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'ntfscommoncreate_dos'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'freenas_reverse_root_shell_csrf'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'dlink_sharecenter_cmd_exec'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'windows_mail_client_dos'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'signed_applet_dropper'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'safari_launch_app'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'java_payload'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'activex_command_execution'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'kemp_command_execution'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'jenkins_groovy_code_exec'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'jboss_jmx_upload_exploit'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'hp_ucmdb_add_user_csrf'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'groovyshell_server_command_execution'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'glassfish_war_upload_xsrf'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'firephp_code_exec'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'farsite_X25_remote_shell'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'extract_cmd_exec'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'coldfusion_dir_traversal_exploit'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'linksys_wvc_wireless_camera_csrf'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'Dlink_dcs_series_csrf'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'airlive_add_user_csrf'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'boastmachine_add_user_csrf'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'BeEF_bind_shell'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'apache_felix_remote_shell'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'apache_cookies'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'test_return_long_string'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'test_return_image'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'test_return_ascii_chars'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'test_network_request'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'test_http_redirect'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'test_get_variable'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'test_dns_tunnel_client'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'test_cors_request'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'test_beef_debug'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'send_gvoice_sms'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'screenshot'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'inject_beef'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'grab_google_contacts'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'get_all_cookies'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'execute_tabs'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'webcam_permission_check'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'webcam_html5'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'webcam_flash'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'unhook'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'spyder_eye'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'remove_hook_element'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'Play_sound'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'site_redirect_iframe'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'site_redirect'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'rickroll'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'replace_video'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'remove_stuck_iframes'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'prompt_dialog'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'overflow_cookiejar'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'mobilesafari_address_spoofing'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'link_rewrite_tel'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'link_rewrite_sslstrip'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'link_rewrite_click_events'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'link_rewrite'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'get_stored_credentials'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'get_session_storage'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'get_page_links'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'get_page_html_iframe'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'get_page_html'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'get_local_storage'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'get_form_values'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'get_cookie'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'get_autocomplete_creds'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'disable_developer_tools'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'deface_web_page_component'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'deface_web_page'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'clear_console'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'apache_tomcat_examples_cookie_disclosure'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'alert_dialog'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'ajax_fingerprint'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'get_visited_urls'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'get_visited_domains'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'fingerprint_browser'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'detect_wmp'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'detect_vlc'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'detect_unsafe_activex'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'Detect_unity'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'Detect_toolbars'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'detect_simple_adblock'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'detect_silverlight'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'detect_realplayer'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'detect_quicktime'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'detect_popup_blocker'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'detect_office'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'detect_mime_types'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'detect_lastpass'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'detect_foxit'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'detect_firebug'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'detect_extensions'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'detect_evernote_clipper'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'detect_activex'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'browser_fingerprinting'
[ 0:29:52][>] Soft Load module: 'avant_steal_history'
-- migration_context(nil)
   -> 0.0125s
/var/lib/gems/3.0.0/gems/activerecord-7.1.1/lib/active_record/migration.rb:1411:in `initialize': wrong number of arguments (given 3, expected 4..5) (ArgumentError)
    from ./beef:208:in `new'
    from ./beef:208:in `<main>'
TwistedSim commented 1 year ago

I fixed it by specified the version of active_record in the Gemfile. Just replace the following line in the file Gemfile: gem 'otr-activerecord', '~> 2.1', '>= 2.1.2' with this: gem 'otr-activerecord', '~> 2.1.1'

0xZulemaZahir commented 1 year ago

I changed it in nano Gemfile.lock, but there was no solution, update?

TwistedSim commented 1 year ago

Delete the lock file Gemfile.lock and modify the Gemfile. Then, redo a bundle install

0xZulemaZahir commented 1 year ago

Thanks man, this worked.

Chaxiraxi commented 1 year ago

Also worked for me. However, running bundle installed didn't worked, I had to run ./install again and it fixed the problem. Thanks, a lot.