Closed zinduolis closed 5 days ago
Here's a concise summary for adding this Dependabot auto-merge workflow to the repository:
Purpose: Automatically merge minor and patch version updates from Dependabot.
File Location:
Key Actions:
Pull Request
Thanks for submitting a PR! Please fill in this template where appropriate:
Feature/Issue Description
Q: Please give a brief summary of your feature/fix A: Automate Dependabot merging given Browserstack tests pass (#3207)
Q: Give a technical rundown of what you have changed (if applicable) A: Created new yml workflow file, which should automatically merge dependabot patch and minor updates.
Test Cases
Q: Describe your test cases, what you have covered and if there are any use cases that still need addressing. A: To test it I will monitor for PRs coming from dependabot and see if automation merges patch and minor updates but not major.
Wiki Page
If you are adding a new feature that is not easily understood without context, please draft a section to be added to the Wiki below.