beehive-lab / TornadoVM

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[feat][api] Prebuilt API redesign and simplification #487

Open jjfumero opened 3 days ago

jjfumero commented 3 days ago


Draft PR - > Proposal to simplify the prebuilt-task API.

Since we split Task-Graph into different data structures for definition and execution, we do not need all scheduling arguments in the prebuilt task API. This PR proposes a simplification of the Prebuilt Task API for:

1) Create Accessors to define data and its own accessor to the kernel. This is similar to SYCL and oneAPI. 2) Remove the scheduling parameters from the Prebuilt-Task Graph. This information is stored in a GridScheduler that is passed at a later stage to the execution plan.

As an example:

       // Define accessors for each parameter
        AccessorParameters accessorParameters = new AccessorParameters(3);
        accessorParameters.set(0, a, Access.READ_ONLY);
        accessorParameters.set(1, b, Access.READ_ONLY);
        accessorParameters.set(2, c, Access.WRITE_ONLY);

        // Define the Task-Graph
        TaskGraph taskGraph = new TaskGraph("s0") //
                .transferToDevice(DataTransferMode.FIRST_EXECUTION, a, b) //
                .prebuiltTask("t0",      //task name
                        "add",              // name of the low-level kernel to invoke
                        FILE_PATH,          // file name
                        accessorParameters) // accessors
                .transferToHost(DataTransferMode.EVERY_EXECUTION, c);

        // When using the prebuilt API, we need to define the WorkerGrid, otherwise it will launch 1 thread
        // on the target device
        WorkerGrid workerGrid = new WorkerGrid1D(numElements);
        GridScheduler gridScheduler = new GridScheduler("s0.t0", workerGrid);

        // Launch the application on the target device
        try (TornadoExecutionPlan executionPlan = new TornadoExecutionPlan(taskGraph.snapshot())) {
            executionPlan.withGridScheduler(gridScheduler) //
                    .withDevice(defaultDevice) //

Problem description

n/ a.

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If it is applicable, check your changes on FPGAs.

How to test the new patch?

tornado-test --debug -V

tornado-test -pk --threadInfo -V --fast