beeminder / BeeSwift

Official Beeminder for iOS app
29 stars 5 forks source link

HealthKit metrics do not upgrade in the background following app version upgrade #312

Closed theospears closed 1 year ago

theospears commented 1 year ago


  1. Install BeeSwift 6.0 and connect one or more Apple Health metrics to goals
  2. Observe that these metrics update regularly in the background
  3. Upgrade to 6.1 and launch the app
  4. Observe the data no longer automatically updates in the background


Background updates continue seamlessly


You have to explicitly sync the goal to start background updates working again

Nota Nebulosa

The gallery view controller contains code which is intended to reconfigure syncing each time the app is launched. However, it doesn't appear to be working

theospears commented 1 year ago

This works for me in the latest 6.1 build