beeminder / BeeSwift

Official Beeminder for iOS app
29 stars 5 forks source link

Upgrade banner is noisy, especially just after releasing a new version #328

Closed theospears closed 1 year ago

theospears commented 1 year ago

We release new versions of BeeSwift from time to time.

When a new release is available, we instruct Apple to auto-update users over the course of a week. This gives us time to address any major issues before the release is rolled out to all users. Often users should not even notice the upgrade - the App Store will upgrade the app for them silently in the background.

However, the App also checks for the current version, and displays a banner if there is a newer version available. This appears immediately as soon as we release a new version. This has some downsides

  1. Turns what should be a transparent process into a noisy one for users, potentially for 7 days until they auto-update
  2. Likely causes users to go manually upgrade faster than we would like.
  3. For users on old devices, there may not be a new version supported by their current device, so they may see the banner forever.

We should either:

  1. Remove the banner entirely and just rely on auto-update
  2. Make the banner only show when a release is over a week old (so all users with auto-update have already updated)
theospears commented 1 year ago

Github appears not to have a working conflict resolution algorithm for its tag updates.