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Gresham's Law of Beeminder Deadlines #208

Open dreeves opened 1 year ago

dreeves commented 1 year ago
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aka Death To Deadline Snoozing Restrictions

Gresham's Law of Beeminder Deadlines: Akratic deadlines drive out intentional ones. (It's by vague analogy to a monetary principle you don't need to understand.)

Includes musing about killing or changing the deadline snoozing feature so maybe we should save this till when we actually do that.


Verbata: leniency, no free lunch, deadline snoozing, feature unannouncements,

dreeves commented 1 year ago

Since the whole concept of deadline snoozing is a mimetic hazard, maybe this blog post could be in the style of fictional feature announcements a la the blog-post-driven development post where we say we're going to implement one of the following at an unspecified time in the future but you should, after arguing with us about which ones are terrible, put it out of your head. In case we implement one of the ones that would be terrible for you -- like the ability to snooze your deadlines willy-nilly -- the less aware you are of it the better.

We could even include the status quo in the list and not say which one is the status quo? Could be fun/interesting. One of these is the way it's been, one is the way it's gonna be. You should probably pretend that both are "no changing your deadline at all on beemergency days".

dreeves commented 8 months ago

DALL·E 2023-12-18 13 17 42 - An artistic, conceptual image for a blog post titled _Gresham's Law of Beeminder Deadlines_  The image should feature a large, stylized hourglass in t