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Gradual Ghosting #211

Open dreeves opened 1 year ago

dreeves commented 1 year ago
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"I didn't ghost, I just didn't reply YET."

The reasonableness of that defense gradually decreases as a function of time. If it's been an hour, it's ~100% true -- I probably was in a meeting or something and responded the second I saw your message. If it's been a year, it's ~0% true -- I ghosted so hard that it would now be weird to reply at all. So what does the percent-true function do in between? Does it asymptotically approach zero? Does it have discontinuities at focal amounts of time like "24 hours" or "next business day" or "a week" or "a month"?

Is there anything interesting about that question? Maybe. If there are no discontinuities then you have a slippery slope problem. One more day doesn't matter -- replying tomorrow is almost as good. And that's true every single day until, before you know it, a month or a year has gone by. Which is an argument for normalizing Schelling fences for response times. And beeminding your inbox, of course.


Verbata: anti-flake strategies, responsiveness,

adamwolf commented 7 months ago

(I'm not quite sure if I'm supposed to even comment here ever, but I'm going through my GitHub notifications. Someone not replying to a work email from Tuesday-Thursday totally feels different than not replying to one sent on Saturday until Monday.)