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How To Beemind Reading All Of Your Favorite Blog #214

Open dreeves opened 1 year ago

dreeves commented 1 year ago
### Desiderata
- [ ] Make something to make this easy to do for the Beeminder blog
- [ ] Have someone read a draft
- [ ] Keywords/tags
- [ ] Title image
- [ ] Link preview excerpt
- [ ] Publish
- [ ] Blog blurbs
- [ ] Waggledance
- [ ] Tweet
- [ ] Tip of the day
- [ ] Anki the URL?

Having a simple thing to point to for "here's how to automatically beemind reading all the Beeminder blog posts (or whatever your favorite blog or Substack or whatever is)" would be cool.

Adam says he thinks Pocket does not have an option to add every new item in an RSS feed to one's queue. But he says Readwise's solution is a combo RSS reader, email newsletter receiver, and Pocket/Instapaper. And that it's really nice and has amazing velocity.

Also IFTTT could do this.

PS: Readwise Reader? Instapaper?


Verbata: beeminding blog reading, tips and tricks, case studies of beeminding things,

Alys commented 1 year ago

It would be nifty if this also worked for (or at least mentioned) beeminding all the Help articles at I recently manually beeminded them and learnt things from some of them, so they're not just for newbees!