Open dreeves opened 2 years ago
i just showed off this draft in the discord; no reactions so far but i'm excited for more people to read it. maybe we should just publish it early? (or maybe i want to fuss over the intro and find pull quotes and other things to really make it :sparkles: to maximize the number of people who read the whole thing) huge thanks to shanaqui for writing that and to clive for the title / concept handle! at first i thought it was on the cheesy side too but then reading nicky's post was :open_mouth: :heart_eyes:
ideas for a better hook / lede welcome. like currently you have to read the whole thing to appreciate it maybe? brainstorming:
Discord discussion: it's an Umeshism, as Scott Aaronson says. If you never derail then your Beeminder goal is too easy. by shanaqui
Verbata: norm shaping, shanaqui, positive framing of derailing-is-not-failing, case studies,