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Abacus Bracelet #24

Open dreeves opened 2 years ago

dreeves commented 2 years ago
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<img class="aligncenter" alt="Abacus Bracelet" title="Ironically there's also a universal Turing machine on my wrist next to the abacus" src=""/>

I liked this for the years that it lasted when Bee sewed it onto me. [insert fox-in-socks image] I do not love wearing the counter ring, though that would work excellently otherwise.

PS: gbear605 points out these options:

the tally counter on a lanyard doesn't feel wearable enough. i'd want something that works while doing sports. but, ironically, the action button on a phone is 💯 since you're already keeping track of your phone 24/7 anyway

PPS: i'm now using the above garmin app. the protocol for incrementing the tally involves 6 (!) button presses -- selecting the app, incrementing, going back to normal watch mode -- but they can all be pressed in rapid succession reliably without looking so i'm counting it. (ha, counting it)

that makes it sound worse than it is. it's more like double-press the "start activity" button and you're in the tally app. press another button for each +1 (decrement also has a button in case you overshoot). then triple-press the back button to exit (including confirmation) to go back to normal watch mode.

so double-press, tally to your heart's delight, triple-press


Verbata: weight loss, tallying, tallybee, calorie counting, low-friction data entry, low-friction tracking,

dreeves commented 1 year ago

DALL·E 2023-10-19 13 45 40 - Photo of an anthropomorphic bee standing upright  The bee confidently displays its wrist, where it wears a single abacus bracelet  Surrounding the bee