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Why We Need A Better Calendar Integration #465

Open dreeves opened 4 months ago

dreeves commented 4 months ago
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Me the other day:

If you can't get yourself to doctor's appointments and such then you may be out of luck but assuming you do have a system for showing up when your calendar says you have to, it would be really nice for Beeminder to be able to leverage that. Existing solutions I've tried personally have failed due to wolf-crying. So this hypothetical calendar integration has to be meticulous about removing beemergencies you've dispatched. Should be doable!

NICKY: it's like my old "if you wouldn't give this excuse to your boss, don't give it to Beeminder" rule of thumb. You don't tell your boss "ahh sorry I forgot to put in my request for time off, it's my holiday now, guess you'll have to figure it out for me hahaha, byyyyeee!" -- that just doesn't work, you'd expect some kind of penalty, so you have systems to make sure it doesn't happen. So to me, you'd use whatever you do to avoid telling your boss that to avoid telling Beeminder that.

(Nicky's boss heuristic is another good blog post candidate)


Verbata: feature requests, candidate integrations, hey calendar, google calendar,