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Plan To Forget To Plan To Forget #466

Open dreeves opened 4 months ago

dreeves commented 4 months ago
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Ok, here are some excerpts from your replies about plans-to-forget:

  1. Lower the activation energy, like by having a default plan-to-forget like setting a reminder on Alexa.
  2. For medicine to be taken at night: have the calendar event say "put medication on bed during the day".
  3. Include "PlanToForget" as part of your passwords.
  4. Set alarms via your smartwatch (sometimes you'll forget why an alarm is going off but better than nothing).
  5. Drill the meta habit by creating constant reminders for yourself to plan to forget something every day (and beemind it of course). If you don't have a real thing to plan-to-forget just pick something you'd be doing anyway or want to do anyway. Eg, put your toothbrush on your pillow to "remember" to brush your teeth even though it's perfectly superfluous in that case.
  6. Putting things in your shoes is another thing you can habituate, with something like a water bottle or the car keys as a default.
  7. A core GTD principle is capturing things so that you're able to forget.
  8. Philip reminds me that this is similar to

Good stuff! Thanks, y'all!


Verbata: sequels, life pro tips, reminders, habits, TAPs, beemails,