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Why Beeminder Is Web-First #486

Open dreeves opened 1 month ago

dreeves commented 1 month ago
### Desiderata
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From discussion with Theo:

  1. Widgets are on my radar. But I'm taking very slow steps in that direction - currently working on making it easier to have goals data shared between the main beeminder app, and all the other types of extension apple has these days (like widgets)
  2. Widgets have to be written in SwiftUI, which is a completely different framework from UIKit which the rest of BeeSwift is written in. So there's going to be a learning curve, and some rewriting of stuff.

So they're on my mind, but I'm not going to be rolling them out immediately. Very much open to other people getting involved and helping!

dreev, it might be interesting for you to write something (a blog post?) about how beeminder is firmly and unapologetically focused on being web first, with apps as second class platforms, to point people to in these sort of situations to. Could consider contrasting with some of the app-first alternatives if you wanted to.

Lastly, I think most people don't realise how horrifically expensive hiring any kind of software engineer, including mobile engineers, is in the USA [...]

Verbata: startups, philosophy, software engineering, smartphone apps apologetics,

adamwolf commented 1 month ago

When you folks get around to this, I will definitely have Thoughts!