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Eat The Richtext #498

Open dreeves opened 1 month ago

dreeves commented 1 month ago
### Desiderata
- [ ] Have someone read a draft
- [ ] Keywords/tags
- [ ] Title image
- [ ] Link preview excerpt
- [ ] Publish
- [ ] Blog blurbs
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- [ ] Tip of the day

Not sure if there's enough Beeminder tie-in for this to be on the Beeminder blog but it has a pretty good origin story, as told in the dogfoody screenshots below.


Verbata: text tools, ai, rationality,

dreeves commented 1 month ago

Snapshot of help text for it:

Type or paste text on the left or right side and watch it convert itself on the other side. It's pretty self-explanatory!

The problem this is solving is, you know how if you copy/paste formatted text (aka rich text aka RTF) into Discord or Slack or GitHub or other places that expect plain text, it destroys all the formatting? Which is mostly exactly what you want but the italics in particular is very important to preserve. Losing the italics can totally change the meaning!

So now instead of painstakingly putting underscores or stars around the italicized words and otherwise markdownifying the lost formatting, just paste into the left side of this rich text eater and have that done by magic on the right side.

(Or if you're a weirdo who likes WYSIWYG you can use the left side as an editor and see the corresponding markdown on the right. Or vice versa. You can even jump back and forth, like if you forget the markdown syntax for something. Whatever you like!)

This is totally free. If you find it useful and want to express your gratitude, maybe sign up for Beeminder?

written by Daniel Reeves in collaboration with GPT4o which wrote literally all of the code

PS: The title is just a joke, we're not communists ok? Well, I'm not. I can't speak for ChatGPT.

dreeves commented 1 month ago


dreeves commented 1 month ago
