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Waterfall Planning Day #70

Open dreeves opened 2 years ago

dreeves commented 2 years ago
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I forget why -- some vacation probably -- but at some point Bee and I moved all our deadlines to 6am and intended to move them back to 5pm like sane people who finish their work at the end of the workday. But we found ourselves ostriching on actually doing that. Making all your deadlines suddenly 13 hours earlier than you've gotten used to is scary. What seemed to work was to have a Big Event where we waterfalled everything at once.

[wait, the above paragraph is conflating different things. there was the time we first set up waterfall deadlines, then we failed to sustain that but settled on the convention that almost all our beemergencies should be 5pm.]

September 3rd, 1967 is known in Sweden as H Day (Dagen H, in Swedish). It's when Sweden switched from driving on the left side of the road to the right side. Changing which side of the road to drive on can't be done gradually ("let's at least start with right-hand driving for residential streets and then next year we can add country roads and ...")


Not having much luck with DALL-E prompts like "bees going over Niagra Falls yelling yee-haw". PS, DALL-E 3 can do it.

PPS: The idea of H-day came up today in the context of the IOU-NWO.


Verbata: tips for beeminding, deadlines, deadline waterfall, H-day,

dreeves commented 6 months ago

DALL·E 2023-12-16 18 38 43 - Cartoon bees in small wooden barrels, positioned to face forward, are flying over Niagara Falls  These bees have subtly playful expressions, showing e