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Sticky table header #241

Closed guidouil closed 5 months ago

guidouil commented 5 months ago

Hello Beer people, is there an easy trick to get an table header sticky when scrolling bellow ? I'm doing a data table and I would love the fixed property to work properly for the <th>. And every time I try to get something fixed the element on the right is pushed under the fixed element. I guess I'm doing something wrong but I can't put a finger on it. πŸ€”

Can someone throw me a ball ?

As a bonus, a way to enforce columns width on the table would be great πŸ™

leonardorafael commented 5 months ago

Hi @guidouil ,

Nice add and thanks for that 🍺 We will support fixed helper on <th>, <thead> and <tfoot> elements. At moment you can do like this codepen (until next release).

About "column width", it's hard to standardize something like that. Maybe we can do the job, using our max, min, small, medium, large helpers on <th> and <td> elements. We need to think more about it.