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Hot to use import in Angular? #259

Closed yalesnikov closed 1 month ago

yalesnikov commented 4 months ago

Hi, can you help me to user Beer CSS with Angular?

When I added import to script in angular.json I had some errors in browser (compilation went successful). To avoid this errors I did this: in angular.json:

"assets": [
                "glob": "**/*",
                "input": "node_modules/beercss/dist/cdn/",
                "output": "/assets/beercss/"

in index.html:

<script type="module" src="./assets/beercss/beer.min.js"></script>

If script include in main bundle then error appears. My solution work success.

In angular component I write this:

declare const ui: any
  template: '
<div class="snackbar error" id="user-saved-failed"><i>warning</i> Error! User cannot add!</div>
}) export myComponent {
  save() {
      next: userId => ...,
      error: () => {
  1. Can I use only part of BeerCSS javascript or I must include all bundle (beer.min.js) ?
  2. Can I not include BeerCss with script directly and use import in my components?
  3. Can I call BeerCSS modules without ui() and declare declare const ui: any, example:'text', config) ?

BeerCSS very interesting library but it has less examples and only basic documentation.

leonardorafael commented 4 months ago

Hi @yalesnikov

All documentation are in the repository and the snackbar docs is here (see the trigger section). The JS file of Beer CSS is optional, basically it handles dynamic theme and triggers (using data-ui attribute). Use it If you want to write zero/less JS in your app (is highly recomended).

1) Yes, JS file is optional (but I recommend to install it globally) 2) Yes, JS file is optional (but I recommend to install it globally) 3) Yes, see trigger section of snackbar

leonardorafael commented 4 months ago

Some bundlers can have different ways to handle CSS/JS files. IMO I think this is not a problem with Beer CSS itself, because it is just a regular CSS and JS file (nothing special inside it). At moment is hard for us to have a doc for each bundler (there are many outside).

@yalesnikov Sorry I don't know your bundler/stack, maybe another user can help you with this.

KicKerBNU commented 2 months ago

Hello @yalesnikov, have you tried this configuration here ?