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Allow adding item at the bottom of navrail #277

Closed kattschan closed 1 month ago

kattschan commented 2 months ago

Hello, I'm a heavy user of Beer CSS and absolutely love it - I just have one thing I wish was in it. When using a navrail, I frequently want to add an item at the bottom(e.g. pages to navigate to at the top, and then a log out button at the very bottom). Is this already possible, and if it's not, is it possible for it to be implemented? For instance, by adding an element with a max class. Thanks!

leonardorafael commented 1 month ago

Hi @kattschan ,

If I understand correctly, you can add itens at bottom/right of navs (rail, drawers, regula nav) adding a item with max helper. This helps you?





kattschan commented 1 month ago

Oh! This is exactly what I meant. I thought I tried this before but I must have done it incorrectly. Thank you!