beerik94 / Biotech

A Minecraft Forge agriculture mod which supports multiple Electricity APIs
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Biotech Missing DNA? #21

Open Tsugaga opened 11 years ago

Tsugaga commented 11 years ago

DNA was removed in this build?

beerik94 commented 11 years ago

Yes the DNA being far from finished so I decided for the time being that I remove all DNA till it is completely working.

Tsugaga commented 11 years ago

Alright, when DNA is finished will you release a final 1.5.2 build? Would suck if you left 1.5.2 without DNA.

beerik94 commented 11 years ago

Yes I will release a final 1.5.2 build.

DarkGuardsman commented 11 years ago

Liquidgithub if you need any help getting DNA work just bug me.

beerik94 commented 11 years ago

@DarkGuardsman ok bug bug

DarkGuardsman commented 11 years ago

:P that didn't take long, ok let me finish up this part in Skyrim, need to test two mods i just made for the game, and i'll see what i can do. Might start with some cleanup first though just to learn the code.

beerik94 commented 11 years ago

@DarkGuardsman Ok well there ins't much code atm cause I am still thinking of a nice way on doing it. I dont want to rewrite every single entity class

DarkGuardsman commented 11 years ago

@liquidgithub I would say a nice way would be to use reflection to either edit all the files or make them extend a new class. However, with the new changes in 1.6 i think you can edit/apply traits to entities using some kind of creature attribute system. This might work but the real question is what do you want to do with DNA. Do you want to increase base stats or apply new effect? I'm not sure were you want to go with it but i will create a flexible system for storing DNA data. Then i'll see about maybe starting with one creature and seeing how DNA can work.

Also are we already working in 1.6.2 though you were going to release a final for 1.5.2

beerik94 commented 11 years ago

@DarkGuardsman Well my first idea about it was just having the vanilla mobs and animals be respawned with DNA from the original and then you can edit the base stats like Health, width, height, Experience Value, Drop rate, etc.... I know 1.6 has some nice new stuff which will make it easier but there are also people who are on 1.5.2 who request a 1.5.2 final release with working DNA.

DarkGuardsman commented 11 years ago

@liquidgithub ok i got the item coded in basic terms of how i think it should act. It is no longer metadata driven instead all data is stored to the item using NBT just like enchantments. This will allow you too store any data you want to the item regarding dna. I've setup a basic structure for storing dna data. It will save the creature reference name, and all effect as strings. Loading the DNA will work just like how forge does liquidStacks, eg name & data. I've also created register system for recording new DNA strand bases, base strand being the vanilla creature. As well i added an event system to allow other mods too hook into the dna if they want to add base strands of there own.

I'll begin work on getting the DNA to drop soon, and after that figure out how to add effect to creatures. Some effect should be easy but others are going to be a bit of a challenge. Might just want to wait to 1.6.2 to actual do the major effects. Right now i'm only going to add effects to the cow, sheep, and chicken regarding item harvest.

Cow ++milk rate sheep ++wool rate and drop chicken ++egg drop rate

beerik94 commented 11 years ago

@DarkGuardsman Ok, I think that that is fine for now and we'll add some nice stuff in 1.6.2 then. This system that you wrote can be used for 1.6.2 too?

DarkGuardsman commented 11 years ago

Yes, the way i designed it is it doesn't depend on anything special. The item, and NBT saves all effects as a String value. This string can be read, and used however by any means as long as we keep them the same. The only thing that will need to be changed will be any edits we do to the Entities to allow us to mess with them.

ampel14235 commented 11 years ago

Dear Biotech team I ca translate the mod into German. Send a E-Mail to abd also a little tut how. I am not a newbe in coding cause I can code in lua.


DarkGuardsman commented 11 years ago

@ampel14235 it really easy just download the lang file and translate all the of the vars to german. You should be able to test your translation by inserting the file into a folder in the mod or config direction .Can't recall exactly were the folder is as its a different system then i normal use.