Open ogarcia opened 8 years ago
Thanks for reporting! @vapniks, can you please take a look?
@ogarcia that is strange, _ra_comp
must exist otherwise it would not have been added to the cache file.
Could you try entering _ra_comp
on the command line and tell me what happens?
Also could you post a copy of your _beet_cached
@vapniks the _ra_comp
returns command not found.
inferno% _ra_comp
zsh: command not found: _ra_comp
And the copy of _beet_cached: _beet_cached.txt
What version of zsh are you using?
zsh 5.2 on Arch Linux.
If you wish you can test it on vagrant machine.
vagrant init ogarcia/archlinux-x64; vagrant up --provider virtualbox
Could you try deleting _beet_cached
, starting a new shell, try completion again, and tell me what happens.
Same error. In fact the first test was do with clean environment.
.zshrc file:
# Lines configured by zsh-newuser-install
bindkey -e
# End of lines configured by zsh-newuser-install
# The following lines were added by compinstall
zstyle :compinstall filename '/home/vagrant/.zshrc'
autoload -Uz compinit
# End of lines added by compinstall
You can make tests easy:
vagrant init ogarcia/archlinux-x64; vagrant up --provider virtualbox
vagrant ssh # enter in virtual machine
sudo pacman -Sy # Update package database
sudo pacman -S zsh beets # Install beets and zsh
zsh # Enter in zsh shell and follow initial assistant to minimal config or copy from above.
beet <tab> # try completion, works well in first time
exit # exit from zsh to force load completion from cached file
zsh # enter in zsh again
beet <tab> # BAM! ERROR!!! xDDD
Note, in arch the _beet_cached
is stored in ~/.config/beets/
cause $HOME/.oh-my-zsh/custom/completions
not exists by default.
NOTE: The completion is stored in /usr/share/zsh/site-functions/_beet
I can't think what the problem can be. Did you change the value of completionsdir
at the top of the _beets
I will have a look at vagrant (new to me).
@vapniks Yes, the completionsdir
was changed to ~/.config/beets/
as I say in my last update :wink:
Vagrant is a tool to get virtual machines. It's very easy and it allows have clean environments to make tests.
In Ubuntu you only need install VirtualBox and do sudo apt-get install vagrant
to get vagrant up and running.
Hey guys,
Is there a way to disable the autocompletion feature in zsh to avoid this bug ?
Thanks ;p
@Jucgshu the best way is simply remove the completion file:
sudo rm /usr/share/zsh/site-functions/_beet
Other option is use an old version before cache "patch".
cd /tmp
wget ''
sudo cp _beet /usr/share/zsh/site-functions/_beet
rm _beet
@vapniks any news about this?
Yeap, switching to the previous did the trick.
Thanks @ogarcia ✨
Same problem in Arch Linux with zsh.
@simonbcn yes, in Arch we have this bug: but it depends of this.
Perhaps we should just roll back the change?
@sampsyo yes, I think that may be a temporary fix while the bug is investigated in detail. :wink:
OK! Just to double-check, is 9dc79950d3d9ebdfe09224e27e3af258f7438ae6 the right revision to roll back to?
@sampsyo yes works :+1:
Sorry, had some more important things to attend to, and forgot about this. Anyway, you have something working now. It may be a while before I get a chance to properly investigate the problem. I am unable to download the vagrant box ogarcia/archlinux-x64
My experiments today found that adding _ra_comp
to _beet_cached
fixes the issues.
I'll add it to the instructions as soon as #2436 is merged.
FYI, _ra_comp
gets created once you run the autocomplete for the first time (the first step in the instructions).
If others ( @ogarcia @sampsyo @simonbcn ) can confirm that this works then I will update _beet
to automatically create _beet_cached
with _ra_comp
To test it:
First try completing beet to ensure that the beet completion functions are created.
Then create a _beet_cached
file like this:
(replacing /path/to/zsh/completions with a directory in your $fpath where completion functions can be stored. If none of these are user writable you can add one like this: fpath+=~/.zshcompletions)
which _ra_comp > $beetcachefile
which _beet_field_values >> $beetcachefile
which _beet_query >> $beetcachefile
which _beet >> $beetcachefile
echo zstyle \":completion:\${curcontext}:\" tag-order \'! options\' >> $beetcachefile
echo "\n\n_beet \"\$@\"\n" >> $beetcachefile
Then change the completion function for beet to _beet_cached
autoload -zU _beet_cached
compdef _beet_cached beet
Try completing beet again, and let me know if it works in the comments below.
I have reinstalled beets-git
from AUR package now but the autocomplete zsh functions doesn't exist. Should not it be installed with the package?
And what is /path/to/zsh/completions/
? And $cachefile
(in my system doesn't exist)?
This is a very bad idea. You are making a new completion from a completion. That is ilogic.
Please, take a look at this, more specifically _store_cache
and _retrieve_cache
that do the trick.
First try completing beet to ensure that the beet completion functions are created. ....
And what is /path/to/zsh/completions/? And $cachefile (in my system doesn't exist)?
A small sample of cache functions.
my_fancy_var='Hello World!' # make a var
my_other_var='We can put tons of info'
_store_cache put_here_the_name_that_you_wish my_fancy_var my_other_var # store vars in your cache named put_here_the_name_that_you_wish
# Open a new console
_retrieve_cache put_here_the_name_that_you_wish # get your cache name put_here_the_name_that_you_wish
echo $my_fancy_var # return your cached vars
echo $my_other_var
@ogarcia I don't sure but I think you're confused. With those instructions we create a cache file to accelerate the completion, but it isn't the completion function itself.
@simonbcn nop, with this guide you makes a new completion file with completion functions. That not is the way. If you want use cache you must use zsh completion cache functions that works transparently for users.
@ogarcia ok, and repeat:
And what is /path/to/zsh/completions/? And $cachefile (in my system doesn't exist)?
I can't test it if I don't know how do it!
Then this post should be corrected:
First try completing beet to ensure that the beet completion functions are created. ....
@simonbcn In Archlinux the zsh completions dir is /usr/share/zsh/site-functions/
but may vary in other distros.
But I repeat, this can work, but this is not te way.
@simonbcn: Also /usr/share/zsh/site-functions/
will be readonly for non-root
users. You should use _store_cache
, _retrieve_cache
, and _invalidate_cache
(as suggested by @ogarcia) because they will use an user-specific location for storing cached data, and they respect the use-cache
completion widget setting as well.
ok, then this issue is still not resolved, am I right?
@simonbcn no, the issue is still open
Sorry for the mistake in the previous post. I have corrected the error, please read it again.
If that works for others then I can quickly fix _beet so that it automatically creates the _beet_cached with the _ra_comp function included.
If you don't like this method, then you can try fixing it yourself using _store_cache
, _retrieve_cache
and _invalidate_cache
, but I don't have time to do that right now.
Bit of an old thread, but my current computer takes a long time to generate completions on the fly, so I looked into this. Adding the _ra_comp
function to the cache using which _ra_comp >> $cachefile
does work.
OK, I've now fixed _beet
to use the proper zsh caching functions _store_cache
, _retrieve_cache
and _cach_invalid
Let me know if you still have problems.
But I see a small issue. The line 16:
typeset -g BEETS_LIBRARY="$(beet config|grep library|cut -f 2 -d ' ')"
must be:
typeset -g BEETS_LIBRARY="${$(beet config|grep library|cut -f 2 -d ' '):-~/.config/beets/library.db}"
Because if you has not defined the library
in your config file the BEETS_LIBRARY
variable value is always empty.
UPDATE: I found other issue. Seems that cached values in fields are never used again. If I remove the cache and do beet list <tab>
can complete fields, but if I open a new console and do the same cannot complete it.
Thanks. I'm making a few more changes aswell.
OK, I've updated it so that it now caches subcommand completers only when it needs to. This makes it a bit faster, but means there are a lot of cache files (one for each subcommand).
@vapniks for BEETS_CONFIG
variable i think that is better use:
BEETS_CONFIG="$(beet config -p)"
What do you think?
Yes, good idea. Done.
I think that now works well and is fast :1st_place_medal:.
May be better (or a future enhancement) have only a cache file, but have several ones not is a problem.
The problem is that there is no function to add to a cache file; you can only (re)create the whole thing in one go, which means that if you want to do incremental caching it makes more sense to have separate cache files. If someone could write an _append_cache function (e.g. by making some adjustments to _storecache) that would be really useful.. fancy trying it? Another problem with my solution is that it pollutes the environment with lots of variables (with names starting `beets`). Unfortunately this is unavoidable when using zsh completion caches since the variables are made global when retrieved from the cache.
The zsh completion is broken. After zsh loads the cached functions you give the following error when try to complete (
beet <tab>
).My zshrc file is very simple.
The problem is introduced in this commit: