beetboxvm / beetbox

Pre-provisioned L*MP stack
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0.6.3: Error loading a Vagrantfile: Message: NoMethodError: undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass #423

Closed klonos closed 7 years ago

klonos commented 7 years ago


I started having this issue after the release of 0.6.3. After composer require --dev beet/box, I run vagrant up.

Expected behaviour

no error

Actual behaviour

I get this error:

There was an error loading a Vagrantfile. The file being loaded
and the error message are shown below. This is usually caused by
a syntax error.

Path: /Users/greg/salsa/fgb/Vagrantfile
Line number: 15
Message: NoMethodError: undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass

This happened with vagrant 1.9.3 and was not fixed by upgrading to 1.9.6

Steps to reproduce

composer require --dev beet/box vagrant up

Proposed changes


If you have already run composer require --dev beet/box: Manually edit the composer.json file and set "beet/box": "0.6.2" -> run composer update -> this will downgrade you to 0.6.2 -> vagrant up

If you have not run composer require --dev beet/box: Run composer require --dev beet/box:0.6.2 instead

(kudos to @salsa-nathan for the workarounds)

thom8 commented 7 years ago

@klonos I'm not able to replicate this issue after updating this project to 0.6.3 --

Are you able to trying building this project and see if you can replicate the issue?

If so could you post the Vagrantfile which is causing the issue.

leigit commented 7 years ago

for what its worth I had the same issue with 0.6.3 which was fixed by downgrading to 0.6.2.

leigit commented 7 years ago

below is the vagrant file:

-- mode: ruby --

vi: set ft=ruby :

require 'fileutils' require 'json' require 'yaml'

Vagrant.require_version '>= 1.8.5'

beet_root = ENV['BEET_ROOT_DIR'] || "#{dir}" config_dir = ENV['BEET_CONFIG_DIR'] || "#{beet_root}/.beetbox" project_config = "#{config_dir}/config.yml" local_config = "#{config_dir}/local.config.yml" composer_conf = JSON.parse(ENV['COMPOSER'] ||"#{beet_root}/composer.json")) vendor_dir = ENV['COMPOSER_VENDOR_DIR'] ||= composer_conf['config']['vendor-dir'] ||= 'vendor' default_config = "#{vendor_dir}/beet/box/provisioning/ansible/config/default.config.yml" default_config = "provisioning/ansible/config/default.config.yml" if !File.exist?(default_config)

Default vagrant config.

vconfig = YAML::load_file(default_config) vconfig['beet_domain'] = beetroot.split('/').last.gsub(/[.]/, '-') + ".local"

Create config directory.

FileUtils.mkdir_p config_dir

Create config.yml from composer config.

cconfig = composer_conf['extra']['beetbox'] rescue nil, "w") { |f| f.write(cconfig.to_yaml) } if cconfig.is_a?(Hash)

Create default config file.

default_config = "---\nbeet_domain: #{vconfig['beet_domain']}\n", "w") { |f| f.write(default_config) } if !File.exist?(project_config)

Copy config from host.

host_config = "#{Dir.home}/.beetbox/config.yml" if File.exist?(host_config) FileUtils.cp(host_config, "#{config_dir}/host.config.yml") end

pconfig = YAML::load_file(project_config) || nil vconfig = vconfig.merge pconfig if !pconfig.nil?

Merge local.config.yml

if File.exist?(local_config) lconfig = YAML::load_file(local_config) || nil vconfig = vconfig.merge lconfig if !lconfig.nil? end

Replace variables in YAML config.

vconfig.each do |key, value| while vconfig[key].is_a?(String) && vconfig[key].match(/{{ . }}/) vconfig[key] = vconfig[key].gsub(/{{ (.?) }}/) { |match| match = vconfig[$1] } end end

hostname = vconfig['beet_domain'] branches = ['beetbox'] current_branch = 'beetbox'

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|

Hosts file plugins.

if Vagrant.has_plugin?('vagrant-hostsupdater') config.hostsupdater.aliases = vconfig['beet_aliases'] elsif Vagrant.has_plugin?('vagrant-hostmanager') config.hostmanager.enabled = true config.hostmanager.manage_host = true config.hostmanager.aliases = vconfig['beet_aliases'] end

Multidev config.

if vconfig['beet_mode'] == 'multidev' branches = %x(git branch | tr -d ' ').split(/\n/).reject(&:empty?) branches.unshift("beetbox") current_branch = %x(git branch | grep '' | tr -d '* \n') vconfig['vagrant_ip'] = "" branch_prefix = true end

Check for plugins and attempt to install if not (Windows only).

if %x(vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostsupdater) unless Vagrant.has_plugin?('vagrant-hostsupdater') raise 'Your config requires hostsupdater plugin.' unless Vagrant.has_plugin?('vagrant-hostsupdater') if vconfig['vagrant_ip'] == "" %x(vagrant plugin install vagrant-auto_network) unless Vagrant.has_plugin?('vagrant-auto_network') raise 'Your config requires auto_network plugin.' unless Vagrant.has_plugin?('vagrant-auto_network') end end

Vagrant Cachier config.

if Vagrant.has_plugin?("vagrant-cachier")

Configure cached packages to be shared between instances of the same base box.

# More info on
config.cache.scope = :box
config.cache.enable :generic, { "drush" => { cache_dir: "/home/vagrant/.drush/cache" }, }
config.cache.synced_folder_opts = {
  type: :nfs,
  mount_options: ['rw', 'vers=3', 'tcp', 'nolock']


branches.each do |branch| active_node = (branch == current_branch) ? true : false config.vm.define branch, autostart: active_node, primary: active_node do |node| = vconfig['vagrant_box']
  node.vm.box_version = vconfig['vagrant_box_version']
  node.vm.hostname = (branch_prefix) ? "#{branch}.#{hostname}" : hostname
  node.ssh.insert_key = false
  node.ssh.forward_agent = true

  # Network config.
  if vconfig['vagrant_ip'] == "" && Vagrant.has_plugin?('vagrant-auto_network') :private_network, :ip => "", :auto_network => true
  elsif vconfig['vagrant_ip'] == "" :private_network, :type => "dhcp"
  else :private_network, ip: vconfig['vagrant_ip']

  # Synced folders.
  node.vm.synced_folder ".", vconfig['beet_base'],
    type: "nfs",
    id: "beetbox"

  if vconfig['beet_debug']
    node.vm.synced_folder "./provisioning", "#{vconfig['beet_home']}/provisioning",
      type: "nfs",
      id: "debug"
    debug_mode = "BEET_DEBUG=true"

  if vconfig['beet_provision']
    # Provision box
    beet_sh = "#{vconfig['beet_home']}/provisioning/"
    beet_profile = ENV['BEET_PROFILE'] || "#{vconfig['beet_profile']}"
    beet_sh_playbook = ENV['BEET_PLAY'] || "#{vconfig['beet_provision_playbook']}"
    beet_sh_tags = ENV['BEET_TAGS'] || "#{vconfig['beet_provision_tags']}"
    local_provision = "sudo chmod +x #{beet_sh} && #{debug_mode} BEET_PROFILE=#{beet_profile} BEET_PLAYBOOK=#{beet_sh_playbook} BEET_TAGS=#{beet_sh_tags} #{beet_sh}"
    remote_provision = "sudo apt-get -y install curl && curl -fsSL | bash -Ee"
    node.vm.provision "ansible", type: "shell" do |s|
      s.privileged = false
      s.inline = "if [ -f #{beet_sh} ]; then #{local_provision}; else #{remote_provision}; fi"

  # VirtualBox.
  node.vm.provider :virtualbox do |v| = "#{node.vm.hostname}.#{}"
    v.memory = vconfig['vagrant_memory']
    v.cpus = vconfig['vagrant_cpus']
    v.linked_clone = true
    v.customize ["modifyvm", :id,
      "--natdnshostresolver1", "on",
      "--ioapic", "on",
      "--vrde", "off"

  # VMware Fusion.
  config.vm.provider :vmware_fusion do |v, override| = "ubuntu/trusty64"
    v.gui = false
    v.vmx['memsize'] = vconfig['vagrant_memory']
    v.vmx['numvcpus'] = vconfig['vagrant_cpus']

  # Parallels.
  config.vm.provider :parallels do |p, override| = "parallels/ubuntu-14.04" = "#{node.vm.hostname}.#{}"
    p.memory = vconfig['vagrant_memory']
    p.cpus = vconfig['vagrant_cpus']
    p.update_guest_tools = true


end end

Create local drush alias.

if vconfig['drush_create_alias'] && vconfig['beet_project'] == 'drupal' &&"#{Dir.home}/.drush")

alias_file = vconfig['drush_alias_file'] || "#{Dir.home}/.drush/"+hostname+".aliases.drushrc.php" alias_file = "#{project_root}/#{vconfig['drush_alias_file']}" if vconfig['drush_alias_file']

if ARGV[0] == "destroy" File.delete(alias_file) if File.exist?(alias_file) else require 'erb' class DrushAlias attr_accessor :hostname, :uri, :key, :root def template_binding binding end end

template = <<ALIAS


$aliases['<%= @hostname %>'] = array( 'uri' => '<%= @uri %>', 'remote-host' => '<%= @uri %>', 'remote-user' => 'vagrant', 'ssh-options' => '-i <%= @key %> -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no', 'root' => '<%= @root %>', ); ALIAS

alias_file =, "w+")
da =
da.hostname = vconfig['drush_alias_name'] || hostname
da.uri = hostname
da.key = "#{Dir.home}/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key"
da.root = vconfig['beet_web'] ||= vconfig['beet_root'] ||= vconfig['beet_base']
alias_file <<

end end

Load local Vagrantfile, if exists.

include_vagrantfile_root = "#{beet_root}/Vagrantfile.local" load include_vagrantfile_root if File.exist?(include_vagrantfile_root) include_vagrantfile_conf = "#{config_dir}/Vagrantfile.local" load include_vagrantfile_conf if File.exist?(include_vagrantfile_conf)

pendashteh commented 7 years ago

Thanks @leigit! Same here. Downgrading to 0.6.2 solved the issue for now.

thom8 commented 7 years ago

Was able to replicate the issue when the project's composer.json didn't contain any config.

This should fix it --

klonos commented 7 years ago

Sorry for the late reply guys. Not able to test right now. Will give this a go tomorrow at work and report back.

roflcopterDorrie commented 7 years ago

Howdy, I had a similar problem as well, found that the line vendor_dir = ENV['COMPOSER_VENDOR_DIR'] ||= composer_conf['config']['vendor-dir'] ||= 'vendor' was causing the problems. I set it to vendor_dir = 'vendor' and this solved it for me. Obviously this is just a workaround, but might be useful for debugging.

thom8 commented 7 years ago

@roflcopterDorrie this should be fixed by --

Can anyone confirm this?

thom8 commented 7 years ago

As mentioned this was fixed in commit referenced above, reopen if you believe this doesn't address this issue.