beevelop / ng-stomp

:bookmark_tabs: STOMP for AngularJS
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Provide option to invoke callbacks within Scope.$apply #16

Open itzg opened 7 years ago

itzg commented 7 years ago

This introduces a new $stomp.setScopeApply(apply) option to simplify subscription callbacks that are making $scope content changes.

Here is an example of using this option:

.controller('MyCtrl', function ($scope, $stomp) {

    $scope.currentTime = 0;

    $stomp.connect('/ws', {})
            var subscription = $stomp.subscribe('/user/exchange/', function(payload, headers, res){
                $scope.currentTime = payload.value;


It needs to be an opt-in feature since any existing users of ng-stomp might already be using $scope.$apply and recursive use causes the Angular error: angular.js:14110 Error: [$rootScope:inprog]$rootScope/inprog?p0=%24apply