beeware / briefcase-android-gradle-template

A template for generating Android Gradle projects with Briefcase
MIT License
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Include user app & app_packages pyc files #21

Closed paulproteus closed 4 years ago

paulproteus commented 4 years ago

Expected performance impact: Apps may start up faster, especially larger apps with more libraries than my trivial sample app.

Expected app size impact: app and app_packages will approximately double (in my limited testing, .pyc files are about 100% the size of the corresponding .py). That doesn't double the size of the app itself, since stdlib is bigger usually than app and app_packages.

Testing performed

Performance test: Ambiguous, but doesn't seem to ruin anything. See below.

Smoke test passes: an app launches.

Functionality test: The APK now contains PYC files:

$ unzip -l 'android/Perf Test/app/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk' | grep pyc | wc -l

Whereas before this change, that would output 0.

Performance test:

Before this change, first start, 5.2 second start (uh is my computer getting slower?)

06-28 23:51:07.031 13795 13795 D MainActivity: onCreate() start
06-28 23:51:12.239 13795 13795 D MainActivity: onCreate() complete

Before this change, second start, 2.5 second start

06-28 23:51:49.951 13831 13831 D MainActivity: onCreate() start
06-28 23:51:52.241 13831 13831 D MainActivity: onCreate() complete

After this change, first start, 3.2 second start (uh the noise here is really big; there's no way this makes it ~40% faster)

06-28 23:53:06.459 13887 13887 D MainActivity: onCreate() start
06-28 23:53:09.654 13887 13887 D MainActivity: onCreate() complete

After this change, second start, 3 second start

06-28 23:54:07.333 13927 13927 D MainActivity: onCreate() start
06-28 23:54:10.361 13927 13927 D MainActivity: onCreate() complete

This will work nicely with #19 IMHO.