beeware / cricket

A GUI tool for running Python test suites.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Displaying images in gui #46

Open hujosh opened 8 years ago

hujosh commented 8 years ago

I have poked around a little in the I worked out how to add a new tab that allows users to select which browswer they would like the tests to run in. I couldn't figure out how to get an image to display in the gui, however. If you could point me in the right direction, i would appreciate it. Btw, i'm not sure if this is the right place to post this because this isn't a bug.

gopar commented 8 years ago

@hujosh Hey! Have you tried following this?

Also, it looks like Tkinter requires for you to hold a reference to the image. Here's a detailed and example to help:

freakboy3742 commented 8 years ago

It's not clear to me exactly why this requires an image view - or why another tab is required. If you're looking to configure the browser to use so it can be passed in as an option, I would have thought a menu option would be all you need. What's the role of the image?

hujosh commented 8 years ago

I only mentioned the browser thing so that you knew i was somewhat familiar with the code. Maybe i used the wrong terminology to describe it: i meant that i put another "drown down menu' among the set that comes with cricket by default -- the set {File ,Test, BeeWare, Help}.

I have now worked out how to do images. I just put a "view screenshot" button in the details frame that is "DISABLED" until a testcase has been run. I don't display the image in the Cricket GUI. Instead i use,

which opens the paint program on windows 10 with the image i want to be showed showed.