Hello, I have a project with serverless framework + typescript using layers. I use the serverless-esbuild library but due to the need to reduce the code I implemented layers because esbuild seems not to support layers I opted for this library, when following the steps the only thing it does is delete the content of my package.json and the node_modules.
Project structure:
Hello, I have a project with serverless framework + typescript using layers. I use the serverless-esbuild library but due to the need to reduce the code I implemented layers because esbuild seems not to support layers I opted for this library, when following the steps the only thing it does is delete the content of my package.json and the node_modules. Project structure: -_layers --base ---nodejs ----package.json ----node_modules -serverless.yml -package.json -src -tsconfig.json
serverless file:
service: api-backend frameworkVersion: "3"
package: excludeDevDependencies: true individually: true
layers: BasicDependenciesNodeModules: path: _layers/base description: "Base dependencies" compatibleRuntimes:
Am I doing something wrong?