begeekmyfriend / yasea

RTMP live streaming client for Android
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your library out of update #660

Open hafiz013 opened 5 years ago

hafiz013 commented 5 years ago

hi i reference your library out of update which is library c++ such as mips64el-linux-android-4.9 not more supported in coming version cmake. I also update your source code to the latest api 7.1 android above. Can i push my code to your server.

begeekmyfriend commented 5 years ago

Any improved PR is welcome!

hafiz013 commented 5 years ago

how to push my code to your server?

begeekmyfriend commented 5 years ago

Fork my repo and add your modification on the master branch, and then create the PR on Github.

hafiz013 commented 5 years ago

already update your library. Please remove this folder zip ''

hafiz013 commented 5 years ago

nevermind I already delete that folder. Please update your document which are required to import c++ mips64el-linux-android-4.9 into latest ndk bundle. This file can get from version 1.6 and 1.7

begeekmyfriend commented 5 years ago

Pardon that where should I update in my repo?

hafiz013 commented 5 years ago . <-- this repo i update. I already push my code but i dont know how to update the your code.

begeekmyfriend commented 5 years ago

Just click New pull request button and I will receive a PR notification. Then I can see what commits you have updated

hafiz013 commented 5 years ago

never mind, please download whole this file :

because i pull and request and push still goes to my personal repo.

Note: Update library folder, mainactivity (added run time permission), gradle change from compile to implementation. That's all please update. Thank you.. However, I still got blur how to reduce noise sound when doing live.

begeekmyfriend commented 5 years ago

Sorry that I did not find any modification in your zip file on C++ part of library. Did you mean the modification is only in build.gradle?

hafiz013 commented 5 years ago

yup correct modification in build.gradle for library folder and apps folder. I also put run time permission in main activity in order to allow run camera and record sound. For c++, I just mention that mips64el-linux-android-4.9 no more support in latest android studio. So you need to update your documentation to tell user to have download this folder manually and added to bundle-ndk manually for latest android studio.