begriffs / haskell-vim-now

One-line Haskell Vim install
MIT License
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Auto-resize bottom split #235

Open tsoernes opened 7 years ago

tsoernes commented 7 years ago

When linting or compile checking, the bottom window expands and takes up a lot more space than necessary. Manually dragging it down works until linting or compile checking again. Is there something wrong with my install, or is there a way to make not take up any more space than necessary?

screenshot from 2017-03-03 21-37-49

begriffs commented 7 years ago

That happens for me as well, I've always just kind of lived with it but I bet it can be fixed. I believe that the little pane is called the quickfix buffer. There is a note here overriding g:ghcmod_open_quickfix_function to customize the behavior. I'd love a pull request to tidy this up if you can figure it out!

begriffs commented 7 years ago

Interested in helping out with this one?