begriffs / haskell-vim-now

One-line Haskell Vim install
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Trouble getting powerline font support installed properly. #263

Closed capn-freako closed 7 years ago

capn-freako commented 7 years ago

I love the pretty printing on non-active lines! However, I think I must have not quite gotten the powerline font support instructions interpreted correctly, because I'm getting boxed question marks in place of the following source code elements:

as well as scattered about in the non-content portions of my MacVim window.

I did find the instructions, here: Powerline fonts installation instructions a bit confusing, although I did get through them error-free.

I did notice, when I'd finished, that the Terminess for Powerline font didn't show up in my Font Book, even though I followed the hints intended to prevent this:

Davids-Air-2:fonts dbanas$ cp fontconfig/50-enable-terminess-powerline.conf ~/.config/fontconfig/conf.d/
Davids-Air-2:fonts dbanas$ fc-cache -vf
/usr/share/fonts: skipping, no such directory
/System/Library/Fonts: caching, new cache contents: 281 fonts, 0 dirs
fc-cache: succeeded

and they ran without error.

capn-freako commented 7 years ago

Okay, I just found my way to this repository:

And, near the bottom of the ReadMe:

Finding proper fonts might be a pain. Most of modern, so called programming fonts (Inconsolata, Anonymous Pro, etc.) often lack decent unicode support. As a recommendation, try DejaVu Sans Mono.

I changed my MacVim font to DejaVu Sans Mono for Powerline and, Voila'!, no more boxed question marks anywhere in my MacVim window; Yeah!

I'm curious: why is Monaco set as the default font for new haskell-vim-now installations, given that it is not included in the set of fonts patched for Powerline?

begriffs commented 7 years ago

I don't remember why the font is set that way. I think I might have patched Monaco once upon a time on my machine and then forgot about it. Want to send a PR to change the default to something that will work better for other people?

begriffs commented 7 years ago


sjking commented 7 years ago

Setting a Powerline font in ~/.gvimrc was my solution:

set guifont=DejaVu\ Sans\ Mono\ for\ Powerline:h15

I'm not sure if this should simply be documented, or part of the build because it first requires installing the Powerline fonts.