beihu235 / Psych-Engine-0.71h-android

Apache License 2.0
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MP4Handler, vlc, RunHaxeCode Error #3

Open PerezSen opened 1 year ago

PerezSen commented 1 year ago

Describe your bug here.

I do not know why but when using the runHaxecode to put a video on the stage it does not play and shows the default icon I would like if there is a possibility to fix it since there are mods that I would like to play them because their stage is based on the videos Or is there another way to use it? This problem only occurs on android On pc if the runHaxecode works

runHaxeCode([[ var filepath ='VideoName');
var video = new MP4Handler(); video.playVideo(filepath); video.visible = false; setVar('video',video); FlxG.stage.removeEventListener('enterFrame', video.update); ]])

Command Prompt/Terminal logs (if existing)

No response

Are you modding a build from source or with Lua?


What is your build target?


Did you edit anything in this build? If so, mention or summarize your changes.

No and edited anything

beihu235 commented 1 year ago

function onCreatePost() addHaxeLibrary('VideoHandler')

makeLuaSprite('videoSprite', 'videoNone', 500, 100) setObjectCamera('videoSprite', 'camGame') setLuaSpriteScrollFactor('videoSprite', 0.5, 0.5) addLuaSprite('videoSprite', true) scaleObject('videoSprite', 2.5, 2.5); setObjectOrder('videoSprite',10) end

function onStepHit()

runHaxeCode([[ var video = getVar('video'); game.getLuaObject('videoSprite').loadGraphic(video.bitmapData); ]])--it need update so dont delete it or put at create()

if curStep == 376 then runHaxeCode([[ var filepath ="toast/freddy1"); var video = new VideoHandler(); video.volume = 0; video.playVideo(filepath); video.visible = false; setVar('video',video); FlxG.stage.removeEventListener('enterFrame', video.update); ]]) end end

but pls use hscript to use runhaxecode,lua have problem for some reason(OG version also have problem)