beiko-lab / gengis

GenGIS (pronounced 'Genghis' like Genghis Khan) is a bioinformatics application that allows users to combine digital map data with information about biological sequences collected from the environment. GenGIS provides a 3D graphical interface in which the user can navigate and explore the data, as well as a Python interface that allows easy scripting of statistical analyses using the Rpy libraries.
GNU General Public License v3.0
27 stars 13 forks source link

2.41 Unstable with high detail, and vertical exageration, loading projects. #49

Open BenWiseman opened 9 years ago

BenWiseman commented 9 years ago

1) On loading projects you get a DLL load followed by a bunch of wxWidgets problems 241notusable1 exception

2) Vertical exaggeration still not working. Trying to set the vertical exaggeration to anything more than 0 with max detail causes the program to crash with code GL_NO_ERROR. If my DEM is in .tiff format (.asc seems worse) with <= 2048 terrain resolution, the program will still trow frequent exceptions and will only sometimes work with both high quality and non-zero vertical exaggeration (if I set the project's terrain resolution lower it will throw fewer exceptions, at higher resolutions it either crashes or will not increase the level of detail).

My GPU isn't breaking a sweat (<= 5% load, negligible memory usage) so I'm pretty sure it's not hardware related, maybe a limitation in openGL?