beingzy / learning_dist_metrics

Algorithm of Learning Distance Metrics
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Tests fail #2

Open tombosc opened 9 years ago

tombosc commented 9 years ago


When I try to run the tests, they fail.

$ python
ERROR: test_fit (__main__.TestClassLDM)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 24, in test_fit, S, D)
  File "/home/tbosc/twitter_argumentation/learning_dist_metrics/", line 70, in fit
    self._fit(X, S, D)
  File "/home/tbosc/twitter_argumentation/learning_dist_metrics/", line 145, in _fit
    fitted = minimize(objective_func, init, method="L-BFGS-B", bounds = bnds)
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/", line 356, in minimize
    callback=callback, **options)
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/", line 312, in _minimize_lbfgsb
    f, g = func_and_grad(x)
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/optimize/", line 257, in func_and_grad
    f = fun(x, *args)
  File "/home/tbosc/twitter_argumentation/learning_dist_metrics/", line 129, in objective_func
    a = squared_sum_grouped_dist(S, X, w) * 1.0
  File "/home/tbosc/twitter_argumentation/learning_dist_metrics/", line 56, in squared_sum_grouped_dist
    dist = all_pairwise_dist(pair_list, data, w)
  File "/home/tbosc/twitter_argumentation/learning_dist_metrics/", line 45, in all_pairwise_dist
    dist.append(pairwise_dist_wrapper(i, data, w))
  File "/home/tbosc/twitter_argumentation/learning_dist_metrics/", line 35, in pairwise_dist_wrapper
    a = data[pair[0], :]
IndexError: index 3 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 0

---------------Ran 1 test in 0.014s

FAILED (errors=1)


$ python
ERROR: test_unweighted_grouped_distance (__main__.test_learing_metric)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 45, in test_unweighted_grouped_distance
    test_res = grouped_average_distance(test_data, self.data1_pairs, weights)
NameError: global name 'grouped_average_distance' is not defined

ERROR: test_weighted_distance (__main__.test_learing_metric)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 39, in test_weighted_distance
    test_res = weigthed_euclidean(self.x1, self.x2, test_weights)
NameError: global name 'weigthed_euclidean' is not defined

Ran 3 tests in 0.001s

FAILED (errors=2)


beingzy commented 9 years ago

two bugs had been mentioned in the ticket. 2nd issue: python had been fixed by removing the test function(s) for deprived dist function(s) And, "" had been updated by adding test functions for updated functions (from dist_metrics).