bel28kent / Mysterium

An encoding of Alexander Scriabin's solo piano music in kern
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> Encoding of 3rd/4th staff #24

Open bel28kent opened 1 year ago

bel28kent commented 1 year ago
          > A related issue for kern encoding of piano music broadly is whether the third or fourth staff should really be encoded as a third or fourth spine. In the case of piano music, the third or fourth staff is really a type of subspine, and not a spine in the same way that it would be in trio or quartet music. It might be more appropriate to create a new spine locally ad hoc in the kern file, rather than having a global spine that is mostly unused except for whole rests.

There is a way of doing this in Humdrum:

**kern  **kern
*clefF4 *clefG2
=       =
1C      1c
=       =
*       *+
*       *       **kern
1C      1c      1cc
=       =       =
*       *       *-
1C      1c
=       =
*-      *-

But MEI and MusicXML cannot represent such things, so it is difficult to determine how to implement in a converter (other than adding lots of invisible rests for when the part is not present). Don't try in VHV as it will crash the webpage :-)

Originally posted by @craigsapp in