belathus / Wanderlust-Renewed

Minecraft 1.12.2 Modpack focused on exploration
MIT License
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Remove PrimalCore and Magnum Opus from configs #282

Open Alan19 opened 5 years ago

Alan19 commented 5 years ago

We need to make sure the pack still functions without PrimalCore and Magnum Opus. It would be a good idea to use a program that could scan an entire folder such as Notepad++ or Visual Studio Code.

To Do:

belathus commented 5 years ago

Here is a list of all the custom structures we've made so far. I've already fixed a few of them, and several I know needed no changes. I have a saved version of the Abandoned Barn on the build server that is fixed (I removed the ovis atre from the spawn blocks). The abandoned factory, workshop, and buried workshop all reference Rewired (I have made some progress on the build server, but they aren't finished. They're saved without the "F_" prefix).

Also, what do you want to do with the giant alviary? Do you want to try to make a smaller version of it?

Alan19 commented 5 years ago

We probably want to make a smaller version of the alveary. The maze causes too much lag when generating.

Alan19 commented 5 years ago

The Magic Bees jars causes crashes when generating so we probably want to remove those files. They're already inactive.