belathus / Wanderlust-Renewed

Minecraft 1.12.2 Modpack focused on exploration
MIT License
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Changing Mimic loot chests #287

Open Alan19 opened 5 years ago

Alan19 commented 5 years ago

The mimic loot chest's loot is a bit boring. The primitivemobs:chests/mimic_trap loot table is mostly common mob drops with the occasional ender pearl. The primitivemobs:chests/mimic_treasure loot table is mostly vanilla ores and unenchanted equipment with a small chance of a mimic orb.

Lance suggested we could add some spider eggs to the dungeon loot.

I think we should also add EB Wizardry loot to those chests.

belathus commented 5 years ago

There are two different mimic loot tables: mimic trap and mimic treasure.

Right now, the "mimic trap" table contains mostly mob drops. Things like spider eyes, string, rotten flesh, bones, and ender pearls.

The "mimic treasure" table contains coal, iron/gold ingots, emeralds, diamonds, bread, wheat, sticks, buckets, tools (stone & iron), arrows, enchanted books, name tags, seeds, ender eyes, golden apples, a saddle, and a mimic orb.

Obviously we can add modded materials to this list. I'm currently working on the "mimic trap" loot table and am adding slime balls (blue and green) and withering dust to the "mimic trap" list.

Alan19 commented 5 years ago

For the treasure chest, I think we should add enchantments to the equipment, Philosophers Gold tools and spell books. Also, we could throw in some modded gems and ingots.

belathus commented 5 years ago

I do not want to add philosophers gold tools to mimics.

Divineaspect commented 5 years ago

dungeon tactics tools perhaps?