belaviyo / save-images

Save loaded images in nested iframe pages
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Missing Images #27

Open SavageNarce opened 5 years ago

SavageNarce commented 5 years ago

On some sites, when I try to download the images, only a few of them actually go into the zip file. Everything looks like it is working normally, I get a page of thumbnails that look like they are all there, and when I hit the download button, the countdown indicates that they are being collected, but the zip file only has (for example) five out of 50 images.

PersianBrat commented 5 years ago

I had a similar experience. And I've found that it is more likely to happen if you try to use the add-on on multiple tabs at the same time. DownThemAll used to have a full report of every single file which is being downloaded. So that you could retry to download them indivitually.

belaviyo commented 5 years ago

If there is a solid way to reproduce this, please provide the steps. We need a link to a page with the issue to be able to test and try to fix.