belgif / rest-guide

REST Guidelines of Belgian government institutions
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Update resources-document.adoc #59

Closed drdrane closed 4 years ago

drdrane commented 4 years ago

First you inform to use the standard business name iso id for e.g. CBE enterprise identifier: "enterpriseNumber is a standard business name for the CBE enterprise identifier, so it should be used instead of id:"

Then you use employerId iso "enterpriseNumber" here: "|employerId|path-param|CBE enterprise number uniquely identifying the employer."

At last in the example, emplyoerId=93017373=nnsoNbr <> cbeNbr = 202239951

"{ "self": "{API}/employers/93017373[/employers/93017373^]", "name": "Belgacom", "nssoNbr": 93017373, "company": { "cbeNbr": 202239951, "href": "{API}/companies/202239951[/companies/202239951^]" } }"

That doesn't seem to comply with saying the cbeNbr is used as identifier for the employers collection, as the Document containers a cbeNbr property with a different value. Therefore it seems more logical / less confusing to change the description as proposed in the merge request.

pvdbosch commented 4 years ago

Agreed, the employerId should indeed be the one from NSSO. Note some examples throughout the guide do not use the right naming yet (e.g. cbeNbr should be enterpriseNumber); this will be reviewed during #19 .